Chapter 4, Returning to the bad news.

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*Yami's POV*

We kept running until we were far way from the palace and at the edge of the city. "So Yugi where are you taking me exactly?" I asked and he didn't answer at first. I looked down and noticed that we were still holding hands, but I didn't mind. We kept walking through the city and most of the shops were shut. Only a few shops still had lights on and people were standing outside. One in particular was a pub.

"Awww you two look sooo cute together! Are you two twins because I can hardly tell the difference." A women said and laughed at us. We just let out a nervous laugh and I had to drag Yugi away. He was trying to talk to the women and some other people that were coming out.

Soon enough I stopped pulling him and we were walking at the same pace. Yugi took the lead and after a few turns we came across a hill. I heard him let out a small sigh. "I forgot, to get to the place we need to go up here...but I hate hills."

Thinking fast, I pulled him up on my back and started to sprint up. Yugi just held tightly on me and snuggled up on my back. I kept going until we came across a junction. "Hey Yugi which way are we going?" I asked and he pointed to the left. I kept him on my back and when we got to a place, my whole heart stopped. "Yugi!?! Is this the place?"

"Yep! Told you this is a great place!" he said as he slid of my back. He walked to the edge of the hill and just looked around. The hill had the view of the whole city, as well as the palace. Yugi sat down and patted next to him, hinting at me to sit next to him. I took the invite and joined him on the ground. This is the best view I have ever seen, even with all the traveling I have done.

Yugi snuggled up to my side and I just wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Yami, can I ask something big?" he asked and looked up to me. He had a hint of seriousness in his eyes. Nodding at him, he took a deep breath before speaking. "I know that you name is Yami Sennen but the question is, are you the prince?"

I couldn't help but freeze to his question. I should've known that he would ask sooner or later. Nodding my head, he just laughed at me. "I guessed that, Yami I don't want this to end. I wanna hang out with you everyday." he said and just hugged me. I thought he would of backed away after learning the truth, near enough every kid I've met has ran off.

"Yugi, doesn't my title scare you at all?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Yami you can't help how you are. I don't care about who you are, we became friends didn't we? Even when I didn't know your title and know that I do that doesn't change anything," he said and snuggled into me even more. He used enough force which made us lye down. He was at the side, cuddling my arm.

"Thanks Yugi, that means a lot to me," I said and he just laughed again. He has the giggles today, doesn't he? We just lay there for so long I lost track of time. I checked my watch and saw that it was almost three in the morning. "Yugi as much as I would like to stay here we need to head back.

He yawned into my arm after nodding. I put him on my back and started to make our way back down the hill. "Yugi where do you live?" I asked and he pointed down the street. He said that a few blocks down and a turn t the left, it was the game shop on the corner he stayed in. After a few minutes of walking, I felt more weight on my back and looking back, I saw he was asleep. Dummy, if he was tired he should of said something.

I saw the game shop and scanned the place to find a low enough window. Climbing in, I saw that it was Yugi's room and he room was decked out with posters from different things. Laying him down on his bed, something on the table caught my eye. It looked like two puzzles but I think there the same. Walking to them, they were gold and were little.

I had to go so I had one more look at Yugi and left through the window, running back home. Some of the lights had started to go off and even the shops that were open had came to a close. I got back to the bushes and crawled through. "So how was your little date with your partner ey?" I heard and jumped back. Seto was sitting at the side and had a evil grin on him.

"For your information it wasn't a date, also why are you calling him my partner?" I asked and he didn't answer. I fixed myself so I was out of the crawl space and on the other side, the side the palace was at. "So what are you doing out here at this time?"

"Well thanks to your little disappearing act, I had to cover for you and make up tons of excuses so you wouldn't get into trouble. Your mother wants to speak with you, she is in her throne room." he said and got up. He didn't have his normal face, he seemed sad somehow. He lead me to my mother and when I entered she was sitting on the couch..

"There you are mister! I have been looking for you," she said and showed me a bright smile. "Thank you for bringing him Seto, can you please leave me and him to talk?" Seto agreed to her and left us alone. I sat with her and she brought me into a hug. "Yami I have some news for you...and you might not like it..."

"Mother what's wrong? Has something happened to someone?" I asked and she shook her head.

"We haven't said much but we have mentioned the other royal family, remember?" I nodded. "Well the agreement was made and you... will be marring their oldest when your old enough. But they want you to stay with them. I'm sorry Yami."

I leave? But what about Yugi! I can't leave him! "But this is not fair! You should of talked to me before! I don't wanna leave Yugi or anyone!" I cried. Mother tried to reach for me but I swatted her hand away. "Don't you think my opinion matters?! I hate this!" I had to run away with tears in my eyes. Seto tried to stop me, but when I got to my rom, I looked the door and flopped on my bed hugging my pillow and crying my eyes out.

Aw poor Yami, his little heart. Also I somehow managed to do a double upload today. I have this week off in school so apart from a assignment I need to finish, I can spend some time writing. ANy way I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE.!!

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