Chapter 43, A deal...?

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Last time with The Title Doesn't Mean Anything!!

 "There's only one thing you can do for now," Atem said and walked past us to Yugi's cage. "Stay away from him for the time being. If Pegasus sees that Yugi is no longer with Prince boy then he will back down." 

And now...

*Yami's POV*

"Seto, Yami. I would like a word with just the two of you if you will," he said and motioned to a door we didn't see right next to the cage. Seto didn't want to but I stepped up so he followed me in. Atem opened the door and there was only a small table with four chairs around it. "Please take a seat."

"I think we'll stand thank you very much," Seto said and grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from going further. Atem just shook his head and sat down. "So what is it you have to say? And better be quick before I get angry."

"Hey look I don't want any more trouble." he said and placed his feat on the table. "Look I ask of you to not bother with Yugi for a while. He is going to need time to recover, also the fact that Pegasus wants him away from you. I can't stand seeing him hurt."

"Then give let us take him and we won't let Pegasus near the palace," I said and he just shook his head. "Alright Atem...Your pushing me here. But I'll do anything for him."

I got down on one knee and bowed my head. "As Prince, I am begging you to set him free. I will do anything you want for his safe return." I said and felt Seto kick my back but I ignored it. "Atem, he means the world to me. Please let me take him home."

"Yami..."he mumbled and sat up proper. "You are not the only one who is in love with him. When I first laid eyes on him the way I see things has changed. Believe me I have done things in the past I can't take back, but when I saw him I felt like I could be forgiven. I'll tell you what, I 'll cut down the days of him being here and I will not move. In a day and a half I will return him to the game shop and we will let him choose then."

"What are you on about choose?" I asked and got up from the ground. 

"What I mean is since there is no way to tell what he will be like then he will choose who he loves then. I didn't mean for it to turn out like this, honestly," he said and stood up from his seat. "Prince Yami will you forgive me?"

"Atem, I thank you for this information but I can not forgive you for what you have done to Yugi. But given time, wounds should heal. I will keep my judgement until then," I said and he seemed satisfied. He held out his hand and I took it, shaking it. "A day and half and I'll be back."

"I'll order a doctor to come here without Pegasus knowing. But he is coming today so I can't have one today. You need to get going, who knows when he'll get here," he said and pointed at the door. We all left the room and I stood outside of Yugi's gate. 

Seto patted my back and we moved along the long tunnel and back to the top of the cabin. "Yami wait. Do you want my number? I can tell you stuff in case Pegasus tries something else because believe me or not he is not good news." Atem said and held out his phone. I went to give him my number but Seto stopped me.

"You can have my number instead. Having his number is a bit too much," he said and Atem nodded his head. They switched numbers and called each other to make sure that it was right. "If there is any more damage to him-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Yami, take care. I mean it. I'll make sure that Yugi isn't hurt anymore." he said and we left it at that. I don't wont to leave Yugi here when I'm so close to getting him back, but if I do then he will just be more hurt. Is this really the right thing to do? We got outside of the cabin and let the two men go, with Atem's word that they wouldn't do anything and headed back to the palace.

Seto and I headed straight for Joey's room and saw a female in there with him, I saw Seto twitch. I walked in with a slow Seto behind me. "Hey Joey, if you don't mind me asking who is this?" I asked and they both turned to me smiling.

"Hey Yami, Kaiba. This is my sister Serenity. She got called up by the nurse here because I'm not going home for a bit," he said and rubbed his neck. This Serenity girl stood up from where she was sitting and bowed down. 

"H-Hi it's a honer to be with you, your highness, also um is it Mr Kaiba?" she said and made me slightly nervous. No one really treats me like this so it's a first. I walked over to her and raised up her head.

"Now there's no need for that, just call me Yami and it a pleasure to meet you." I said with a slight wink and saw her slightly blush. She let out a nervous laugh and I rejoined Seto's side. I went on my tip toes and went to his ears. "Looks like you have competition for his attention eh?"

"Oh shut up. Like you can say anything with Atem in your way." he said and I just shoved him. I need to grab his phone when I can so I can get Atem's number. He went over to Joey and whispered something, maybe now I can pick pocket it. 

I slid my way to next to him and started to rummage through his pocket but something grabbed my wrist. "Who do you think you are? Some kind of spy?" Seto asked and all I could do was laugh. The others joined me and we all sat with Joey, explaining what had happened. A day and a half, then I will be reunited with Yugi. Atem, you better keep your word...

Ah yes. Writing this while I'm overthinking my exams. Hospitality is coming up and I barley got up for my History one. Oh well a few Yu-Gi-Oh episodes will cheer me up. It's cute, first Yugi was scared of Yami but they bonded so quick ^w^

So, a day and a half until Yugi is out and free. But the question is will he be his normal self after what he has been through? What will happen to Yami and Yugi? Are Atem and Yami...allies? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE.!!

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