Chapter 36, Disappearance...

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*Yugi's POV*

The bell went and Yami dragged me away from the front doors. We had a look at the front door and saw Atem leaving with a teacher watching him. Soon after Tea, Tristan and Bakura came out and didn't notice us but when Joey and Kaiba came out they spotted us straight away and came to us.

"If you guys were trying to hide then with your hair the only person that wouldn't see you is a sleeping person," Joey said and joined us. "Yuge, you and Yami's hair style is like a purple star so if your getting chased by someone good luck hiding from them."

"Hey dude don't say that," I yelled and got up from my spot. Yami rose up as well and I could see the faintest smile on Joey's face. "So what do you have planned today Joey? Wanna hang and have a duel?"

"Sure that sounds good. What about you S-Kaiba and Yami too. We could meet up at Yuge's because Gramps is a swell guy." he said and I think he went to call Kaiba by his first name. Hm that's a little weird but I was down with the plan but I don't think Yami will have the time for it.

"Sorry guys but I need to talk to Yami on his own so we need to go back to the palace. Maybe another day thought, come on Yami because this is really serious," Kaiba said and grabbed Yami's shoulder. Yami looked like he was going to say something but didn't have the time before Kaiba shoved him into the car.

Joey and I decided that he would come over to mine around about 6pm so it would give me time to change and eat. When I get home Grandpa was in but it sounded like he was asleep. I knocked on his door and heard a grunt from within. "Hey Grandpa are you awake?" I asked and walked in. He was lying on his bed but sat up to greet me. "Joey is coming over today, is that alright?"

"Yeah that's fine I haven't seen him in a while. How is him and his sister?" he asked and I just told him what I normally do. I went to my room to get changed and looked at the time to see it was 4:50, maybe a good time to get something to eat. I heard something moving from up the stairs so I guesses that Grandpa as coming downstairs but no one came down the stairs.

Maybe I should go see how he is, he might of fell out of bed. When I was half way up the stairs until I heard the doorbell go. I had to see him first so I checked his room through the door and he was passed out again on his bed. I quickly ran down the stairs again and couldn't see who was outside because they were dressed in black. 

*Yami's POV*

"So are you going to explain what this all about instead of standing there like a statue?" I asked and was waiting for him to speak. He told me not to go to Yugi's because he needed to talk to me but he hasn't spoken a word to me.

"It's about Pegasus, and what his plan is," he said and got up from his seat and joined me at my desk. What is he planning now? Whatever it is he better leave Yugi out of this because I know he doesn't like him. "He believes that you and Yugi shouldn't be near each other so I want to warn you and him to be careful."

Seto's phone started to go off and when he looked at his phone his face lit up a bit. "E-Excuse me for a moment," he said and answered the phone but didn't leave the room. He sounded excited for a moment but that disappeared quick and he turned to me in a panic. "Yami we need to leave right now!"

"W-Wait where are we going what's happened?!" I yelled and got up with him. We were running to the main gate and Seto had a car waiting for us. 

"Driver take us to the cities game shop as fast as you can!" he yelled and the driver took off. The game shop....that's where Yugi and his grandpa is!! What in Ra's name has happened!?! When the car pulled up to the shop I saw that the lower windows were smashed and the door was wide open. Seto and I sprinted in and I went to go upstairs but someone was on the ground.

"Joey!" I yelled and picked him up. He was badly cut everywhere and had buries everywhere." Joey! Joey come on snap out of it!" He started to stir until he finally opened his eyes. Seto came over and picked him up, taking him to the couch and placed him on.

"Y-Yami? Kaiba?" he asked and tried to sit up but Seto made him stay down. He kept his eyes closed but the shot open and he started to move around. "Wait Yugi! Yugi is still upstairs isn't he!?!"

I left the others and ran straight upstairs past his grandpas room and straight to his. "Yugi!" I yelled and bashed the door open. He entire room was empty and it looked like some of the wallpaper was ripped off. I slowly made my way to his bed and found a note on it, but I couldn't read it because my eyes were cloudy. "Yugi...Yugi..."

I fell to my knees, my legs giving away and I curled up into a ball. He is gone...if only I was here I could of done something. I was full bale crying now like a big baby, I have just lost him. "YUGI!!"

Well this is a sad chapter. Also my plan of 50 chapters per story may not apply to this one because I am enjoying writing this one. A further note, my prelims are in the next week so I won't be updating until I'm done. My last one is the 18th, sorry about leaving you guys on a cliffhanger.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE.

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