"You're so lazy you would risk letting in an intruder just so you wouldn't have to get up again?" I kick my shoes off and leave them by the door. He stretches and laughs.

"Well hi to you too." I smile and walk over to him. I was about to reach down to give him a kiss but instead he grabs my legs and pulls them close to him, resting his head on my legs. I run my fingers through his hair. I go to pull away but he pulls me in tighter.

"Let me go change, then I'll be right back." I put my hand on his forehead and push his head back a little so that he can look up at me.

"Okay fine." He let's go and flops back on the couch. Now he can wait for his kiss.

I make my way to his room, stopping to say hi to Jimin first. I walk into his office, standing near the door. He's in the same position he's always in whenever I come over, glued to his computer screen with papers strewn everywhere.

"Hey Jimin!" I call. He snaps his head from the computer to look at me. He smiles.

"Hey Maddy." I could tell he's stressed just by the tone in his voice. I feel so bad, he's always stressed. I don't think he's ever not stressed, maybe just less stressed sometimes.

"Do you ever take a break?"

"What's that?" He laughs and leans back in his chair.

"You should learn what it is and take one sometime." I joke back. "Is everything okay? You seem more stressed than usual."

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm so close to moving up in my position but it feels so far away because of the piles of work I have to do." He sighs.

"I'm sorry. It sucks now but it'll definitely be worth it." I don't really know how to comfort him as I don't have a real job and can't really relate to him.

"Most definitely." He says then looks down. "Also, if I'm being honest, Jungkook is stressing me out a little too. Has he mentioned anything about getting a job?"

"No not really. Did he say he would look for one?"

"Yeah, he promised he would. I don't know if he's been looking and hasn't found one yet or if he just hasn't looked at all." I feel even worse now. Jungkook has never been able to keep a job, no matter what it was. I don't know if it's because he's lazy or he doesn't like the job or whatever else, but it's really no excuse. I hate my job but I do what I have to do to support myself until I can get something better. I also don't have a well-off roommate with a real job who will put up with me and my laziness. I'm not bitter and I'm not trying to throw shade, but Jungkook is damn lucky and he definitely takes advantage of Jimin sometimes.

"I honestly don't know, Jimin. He hasn't said anything about looking for one or getting one. Do you want me to talk to him or anything?" There wasn't really much I could say to him that would change his mind, but I still wanted to offer.

"No, it's okay. I don't want him to know I talk to you about this. I'll just try to talk to him again and if that doesn't work then I will need you to talk to him. He needs to do something with himself. When he's not with you he's driving me crazy here and don't get me wrong I love him to death, I love him like a brother, but I'm worried about him. He doesn't care and doesn't feel the need to get a job. He has one degree and little to no work experience. That's never going to get him a real job. Sorry I'm rambling, but he just can't keep doing this anymore. I can't take it."

"No don't be sorry. And you're not rambling. You have every right to be upset. I fully agree with you that he's lazy and just hurting himself. I don't think he actually realizes that this is important and this is his life."

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