Ben looked up at him with wide fearful eyes and felt his heart pound in his chest. A disgusted look was all he got before the man brought his sword back and stabbed it forewords.

Ben didn't even have time to scream as the blade went through his stomach and out his back. The man's expression seemed to change at the sight of Ben's eyes, wide, now, with pain. His mask of possession even seemed to crack when the Danish boy gasped, letting blood run down from the corner of his mouth.

"" Ben's voice was strained through pain and a weakness that was already coming over him.

The single word was apparently enough to shatter the mask. Suddenly, Ian was back in control and the sword that the spirit had brought with him disappeared. Without the support, Ben collapsed to his knees and clutched his stomach.

Almost instinctively, Ian dropped down beside him and pulled the smaller onto his lap.

"Benny, I-" Ian was cut off by a commanding voice telling him to back away. It was only then that he noticed they were surrounded by armed policemen. He stared at them in confusion before being told to back away again.

Reluctantly, he laid Ben down on the ground and stood, taking a few steps back. He did as he was told from there and let an officer lead him through possession protocol.

He let the officers ask him questions about his life and recent events. It may of seemed inefficient but, spirits are incapable of knowing anything after their time period. So, asking about modern events was the easiest, and quickest, was to make sure the person was back in control of their body.

After Ian was released from police custody, he was gently nudged back towards the circle. Looking at the person who had pushed him, he saw a female officer.

"You better hurry if you want to have a moment with him."

Looking back, he saw that some of the police officers were still in the circle formation and others had gone back to their original duties; there wasn't anything that they could of done anyway. They didn't have the medical knowledge to help him in any way. Though, what really go to Ian was what was in the center of the circle. Ben was laying on the ground with a pool of blood growing around him.

Ian ran over and dropped to the ground. He didn't care that the warm liquid was soaking into and staining his jeans. All that mattered was that Ben was here and he was dying. And it was all his fault.

Ian's stomach churned as he looked at the small yet, gruesome injury. He had done that. His own hands had been used to do such a horrible thing.

"I... l-love... you..." The weak words twisted Ian's heart.

"I love you too, Baby but you need to stop talking okay? Save your energy."


"Shhhh" Ian brushed Ben's hair back and slipped his hand into the smaller one. A soft squeeze brought a sad smile to his face. Though, it quickly vanished as he took a good look at Ben's face.

It was twisted into a look of pain and was incredibly weak and pale. Tears of pain and fear were streaking down the sides of his face. The small wound was quickly taking a toll on the Danish man. Ian bit his lip and forced back the tears that wanted to spill. He couldn't let Ben see that he was scared. That it didn't seem like he would be able to make it all the way to the hospital.

Ben closed his eyes and Ian shook him, knowing that if he fell asleep, he'd never wake up. Though, a few minutes of struggling to keep the younger awake later, weak words stoped the battle. "I'm...sorry, Ian."

"What do you mean, Baby?"

"We... won't have a...happy ending."

Ian swallowed past the lump in his throat and held Ben's hand. He spoke the only words he could think of, "I love you."

" you, too."

A small, sad smile came to Ben's face and Ian gave in to his immediate urge to kiss him. It was soft and loving and mostly one-sided as Ben didn't have the energy to kiss back. Ian only broke it when his lungs screamed for oxygen but the kiss had been much too short. A lingering feeling had been left on both of their lips and neither was satisfied.

Though, Ian just ran his hand through Ben's short hair and pressed a kiss to his cheek as he finally let his tears spill and mix with Ben's.


"Don't be. You saved the day. You're a hero." Ian forced a smile and Ben did his best to smile back for a brief second.

"G-good bye, Ian... I... l-love you."

Ian held the other close and spoke, "I love you too, Benny Boo." He couldn't resist calling his lover by his favorite nickname one last time.

A small smile was the last thing he saw before the light faded from those beautiful green eyes and Ben's body fell limp.


1390 words!

Ehhhh, this was a lot better in my head than it is here but, oh well...

Requests always open!

~Angel ^-^

Edit: I don't know if it was like this for anyone else, but I could see my "outro"  under the line at the bottom on my computer but not on mobile so I just copied all of it on the mobile version (which I'm on now) and I'm going to see if this changes anything on either version.

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