We pull up to the Starbucks and I text Dana that we're here. She tells me that they just got there a few minutes ago and are still in the parking lot. I get out of the car and look for her. I spot her from across the parking lot and I smile when I see her, her doing the same. Jungkook gets out of the car and we cross the parking lot to where her car is, me running up to her to hug her.

"Hi Maddy!" She holds me in a tight hug. She let's go and hugs Jungkook as well.

"Hi Jungkook, how are you?"

"Good, thank you. How about you Dana?"

"Great! Guys, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Maddy and Jungkook." She points to us and he smiles, shaking our hands as we exchange our "nice to meet you's".

Taehyung was very handsome. I had seen pictures of of him that Dana has shown me, but they didn't do him justice. He was taller than me and Dana, closer to Jungkook's height but a little shorter than him. He was thin and had soft, olive toned skin. His hair was long and grayish with black streaks in it and strands of it were falling in front of his big brown eyes. I could tell what she saw in him, looks wise. He was very good looking. His voice was also deep, deeper than Jungkook's.

We walk to the entrance of the Starbucks and Taehyung opens the door, letting Dana in followed by me then Jungkook. Very polite.

"Why don't you guys find us a table, I'll get our drinks," Taehyung says.

"I'll go with you, what do you guys want?" Jungkook announces. Me and Dana tell them our order and they go wait on line, starting a conversation as they do so. Me and Dana find a table by the window that fits the 4 of us. She sits on one side and I sit across from her.

"He's really cute. The pictures you showed me didn't do justice," I say and look at her.

"I know, he's just perfect," she rests her chin on her hand and glances at him in the distance. "And he's a good kisser too." She chimes in. I laugh.

"Is he good at anything else?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I'm not sure yet. All we've done is kiss. Just a few heated makeout sessions, nothing more. I want to take it slow, not like last time with douche bag where we hooked up before we even started dating. I really like him, I want to do it right this time." It's really sweet. I could tell she really does like him and it's already so different than her last relationship.

"Well good, I'm glad. It's good that you're taking it slow, not that I would judge you if you weren't. But he seems like a good guy and if he really does like you then he should be fine with taking it slow."

The boys come back with our drinks and me and Dana thank them. Tae sits next to Dana and Jungkook sits next to me.

"Madeleine it's nice to finally meet you, Dana talks about you nonstop." Taehyung takes a sip of his coffee and looks at me.

"Same here. I couldn't wait to meet the person that's been the source of her happiness for the past few weeks. And you can call me Maddy," I say back. He smiles and takes another sip of his coffee. "So, Taehyung, are you excited about graduating this year?" I ask him.

"Yeah, definitely. It's time to leave. It was fun, but I'm ready to start working."

"What is it that you're doing when you graduate?" Jungkook chimes in.

"Actually, I'm going to be an associate for Gucci so I'm going to start doing that as soon as I graduate. I might go back to school after but for now that's what my plan is." He's another person that seems to have his life together. Good for him, honestly. And Gucci is one of the biggest big name companies. How the hell did they manage to get a job like that? I'm impressed.

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