(My Brothers Bestfriend) Looks Can Be Deceiving 30

Start from the beginning

I stand in the corner of the room and watch as everybody greets one another. I see Andrew grin and kiss Breanna for a split second before pulling her back to the couch and onto his lap. Her usually pale skin quickly turns red hot from embarrassment. Ella squeezes in between Ryan and Liam, leaning her head against Ryan's shoulder. Jason's gaze doesn't leave the television set.

"You okay?" Savannah whispers.

"I'm fine," I grin, taking ahold of her hand and pulling her over to everybody. "Hey, losers,"

"Hey, whore," Liam says. "Hi Savannah,"

I roll my eyes at Liam. "You're so immature,"

"Hey Lyssa," Andrew grins. "Did you enjoy the rest of your birthday?"

"It was..." I struggle with an appropriate word to describe my last few days. I plonk myself down on the carpet with Savannah, only a few inches from Jason's legs. "Definitely unforgettable,"

"Is that a good thing, or?" Ryan prompts.

"Let's just say I'd rather not talk about it," I say quietly.

"Didn't mummy and daddy get you everything you wanted?" Liam smirks.

"Liam!" Savanna elbows his leg. "Don't be so nasty,"

"I'm playing," He scowls.

Savannah scoffs. "Well play nice!"

"So it's either The Ring 2, or Stephan King's 'It'," Kyle finally re-enters the lounge, Adison clutching his hand. I notice her slight blush and her swollen lips and I smirk.

"I haven't seen the first ring movie," Ella pouts. "So it makes no sense to watch the second one,"

"Okay," Kyle shrugs. "'It' it is,"

It isn't until the lights are off and everyone around me has wrapped themselves in blankets that I whisper into the darkness, "I fucking hate clowns,"

I hear everyone around me try to refrain their laughter, but it doesn't work very well.

"Really?" Liam bursts out into a chuckling fit. "Of all things, clowns?"

"Yes," I scowl. "They paint their faces white, wear big-ass noses and have red Afro hair. Not to mention they have creepy laughs,"

"Don't be a sook," Liam says, and I assume he rolls his eyes by the tone of his voice.

"I'm not a sook!" I protest quickly.

"Oh God," Savannah groans. "Not tonight, you two,"

"He started it!" I exclaim as Savannah stands up. "Where are you going?"

"To look for a blanket,"

"You can sit on me," Liam wiggles his eyebrows and Savannah blushes.

"Don't mind us," Ella says sarcastically. When Liam thinks nobody is watching he pulls Savannah onto his lap. "We would all prefer to listen to you three bicker rather than actually watch the movie,"

"Yeah!" Andrew snaps. "Shut up! Georgie's going to lose his balloon here,"

"Don't ruin it!" Adison squeals. "I've never seen this before,"

"Me neither," I mutter. "I'm thinking I might skip this one out-"

"What?" Savannah raises her eyebrow. "I don't think so!"

"I don't really want to watch it and-" I pause, looking around at all of my friends. An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach when I realize that Breanna has Andrew. Savannah has Liam. Adison has Kyle and Ella has Ryan. A sudden sense of loneliness washes over me. "I'm just gonna go home-"

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