Chapter 2

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{Abigail's point of view}

I hear a mans voice. Who sounds a lot like my moms boyfriends voice. So I go to the mirror and I make sure that I look cute.

I quickly walk downstairs and I see mike. He's so hot! But then... My mom walks up to him. I watch her put her arms around him and just gaze into his eyes.

Mike looked at my mom like she was the only girl for him. But she's not the only girl. There's also me. He's mine in my eyes.

His crystal blue eyes. His strong body. Abs. Huge muscles. Perfect teeth. Perfect body. Perfect face. Just perfect everything!

I get out if my day dream and realize that mike and my mom are making out. They don't even know I'm sitting in the stairs.

Gross. That should totally be me! Like seriously, what does he see in my mom?!

Okay fine... Carries pretty and all, but has he seen me? Yeah, our age may be a big deal, but the younger, the better.

I watch mike pick Carrie up and lay her on the couch. They continue to make out, so I decide to ruin they're so called "cute moment" for them both.

I quietly walk back upstairs and I turn back around to the stairs as soon as I reach the top. I run down the stairs and I make myself fall.

Mike and my mom shoot up off the couch and my mom gets up and runs towards me.

"Are you okay?!" My mom asks putting her hand out to help me up.

"Ouch... My leg... No..." I respond.

"Here kid, grab my hand. I'll help you to the couch." Mike says helping me up.

"I'll grab some ice!" Carrie offers.

Hurting my leg on purpose didn't only help me get over my jealousy, it helped me touch mikes muscular hand.

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