Chapter 17

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I wake up with a headache. I'm in a hospital? But why? What happened?

I see Mike in the hallway with the baby and Abby, talking to a doctor.

I pick up my head and Mike glances over to me. He smiles and points showing Abby and the baby I'm awake.

He hands Brantley over to Abby and the walk in.

"Look, there's mommy!" Abby says excitedly.

"How ya feeling babe?" Mike asks walking in.

"I'm....." I sit up and clench at my stomach. "Not well." I finally reply.

"I'm sorry Carrie. I should've been home." Mike says rubbing my cheek.

"No... You had practice. But what happened?" I asked unsure.

"A man broke in and he uh... He stabbed you Care." My husband responds.

"I wanna move..." I say starting to cry.

"Okay. Whatever you want baby. I'll do it." Mike says kissing my forehead.

"Thank god you girls are okay." I say reaching my hands out for my baby.

"You hungry?" Abby's asked me.

"I'm starving actually..." I replied.

"I'll go get you something to eat mama." Abby says working on her way out the door.

"Mike, go with her please." I suggest.

"She's fine Care. She knows where she's going." Mike says.

"Michael, Go!" I demand.

"Alright." Mike says following behind her.

I hold Brantley and smile.

What would I so if something happened to my children? I'd feel like the worst person on earth if this was one of them in my place.

Before I know it I start to feel dizzy, I realize my doctor out a needle in my arm. Or is this even a doctor? Where's his doctors coat? He's missing a name tag... Who is this man? I don't wanna drop my baby.

Just then, everything goes black.

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