Chapter 40

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{That Night}

"Hello, Mrs.Fisher! My name is Karen Miller. I'm Abby's math teacher!" Abby's teacher said to me.

"Oh, hi! You can call me Carrie." I smiled, introducing myself.

"Well Carrie, we have lots to talk about." She told me.

"Oh dear. Good or bad?" I jokingly said.

"A little bit of both." Mrs.Miller said, seriously.

We take our seats in her room and begin to talk about my sweet, Abigail.

"So, Carrie, Abby has been doing great in school, but she also has been slacking. Her grades are starting to slip in my class, I'm working on helping her raise it a lot. So she's been doing good at that, for the most part. But She's been talking a lot to her friends when all the students are supposed to be working. It's not that I'm angry with her, because she's a great student! But if I can decrease her talking, I will. She's also been on her phone a lot lately. I would just prefer for her to stay off of her phone and stop talking." Mrs.Miller stated.

"Well I'm glad to told me, it's good to be aware of the things my daughter is doing here at school. I will make sure to talk to her about it as soon as I get home Mrs.Miller. I apologize." I said to her pressing my lips together in embarrassment.

"It's not that big of a deal, Carrie. Don't stress yourself on it." Karen winked.

"I'll try not to." I smiled.

After I went and talked to all the other teachers. Abby was doing great in all her classes besides Mrs.Karens math class. I was very disappointed to hear Abby was acting up in her class. Not only did she disrupt the class often, her grade in math is a 55.

"Abigail!" I scream, walking through the front door.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"Abby's in trouble." I say sternly.

"Why, what'd she do?" He questioned, curiously.

"She has a 55 in math, and acts up in her class." I said getting angry.

"She can raise that grade. Is she doing well in her other classes?" Mike asked me.

"Yes, she's doing great in every class besides math." I responded.

"Well that's not bad." He said.

"Mike, it's horrible. Hearing that Abby is acting up is embarrassing." I said getting upset with my husband.

"She's fine, just let her go Carrie. She's working hard in school. Last thing she needs is to be grounded and screamed at." He stated.

"If I wanna ground and yell at her, Mike, I will." I told him as I walked upstairs.

"Okay..." Mike backed down.

I walk fiercely up the steps and straight into Abby's room.

"Phone, now!" I demand.

Abby hands her phone over right away without putting up a fight.

"Your grounded until you get your act together. Understand me?" I yelled.

"Yes, mama....." Abby said in a small voice.

"Care to explain your 55 in math?" I questioned her, sternly.

"I... I'm sorry mama.... It's hurt hard..." She said tearing up.

"Now what about your acting up in class? Talking to your friends and on your phone in class? Huh?" I asked.

"I was texting you that one day. And what kid doesn't talk to her friends?" Abby cried.

"Don't you dare talk back to me Abigail. I don't want you coming out of your room for the rest of the night. Got it?" I yelled, starting to walk out.

"Yes mom." She said crying.

I walk out of Abby's room and into my bedroom. I think about what I had just said to Abby and I instantly begin to cry. I feel like I was too harsh to her. But I do know she's smarter than that and has a lot more respect than that.

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