Chapter 28

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{Carrie's POV}

I wake up with my face in my pillow. Unable to breathe fully. I pick up my head and turn to sit. I look around and everything seems normal... Until I see Abby.

Sitting at the edge of my bed. Crying. Being scared. Being upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Dad... He left." She said crying.

"I know. I told him to leave." I stated.

"No mom. He left. Like in, leaving his family. He's not going to come back. And don't bother telling me everything will be okay. Because it's not. I swear, if I hear you say everything will..." Abby tried finishing up as I cut her off.

"Abby, I'm not going to tell you that. I won't lie. I wanted him to leave as in, let things cool off. I didn't mean to drive him away. I'm sorry. This is all my fault...." I apologize.

"No. It's not your fault mom. Don't say that. Please..." Abby told me hugging me.

"It's the truth. I'm sorry. But it is." I told her.

"Stop it! Just stop mom!!!!" Abby said running out of the room.

How am I ever going to raise a teenager and a baby alone? I know Mike didn't help as much as I would have liked him to... But he helped by doing other things for me.

He mainly kept me together and to not flip out everyday. But if he wants to walk out on us, so be it. I'll be a mom and dad to both of my kids if I have to. I know at some points, I feel as if I'm not strong enough. But then I look at my kids. They remind me of what I need to be for them.

I'm willing to be the best I can be for them. I will do whatever it takes to make sure they know I love them. I'll make sure they're protected, safe, and have what they need.

I climb out of bed and walk out of my bedroom and towards Abby's room.

"Can we talk?" I ask, knocking on her door.

"Yes." She responds opening it.

"Listen, I know your hurt. I am too. But we are going to get through this. I don't know how we are, but we will. We have each other." I tell her.

"I understand mama. I just feel bad. Brantley doesn't get it. She's going to grow up without a dad. I feel horrible." Abby says crying.

I pull Abby into me for a hug and she places her head on my shoulder.

"Abby, we can't stop Mike from walking out on us. If that's what he wants to do, then that's what things have come to. Brantley will be alright. Even if she doesn't quite understand, she'll always have the both of us. We can help her understand. Okay?" I reassure Abby.

"Yes." Abby responds smiling at me.

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