Chapter 51

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{Carries POV}

{A Week Later}

It's been a week since that man hurt me. I've been doing well, but still scared. I was supposed to go to New York today for an interview, but I didn't. I stayed home snuggled up to my husband for the day.

"How Ya feelin'?" Mike asked me as I opened my eyes.

I have my head on Mikes lap, as he's running his fingers through my hair.

"I feel protected." I force a smile.

"Good. It's my job." He pressed a light kiss against my forehead.

"Daddy?" Brantley called out.

"Yeah, kid?" Mike questioned.

"Can I cuddle too?" She asked.

"Of course, honey!" Mike responded.

"I want in!" Hadith cheered.

We all laid on the couch together and fell asleep.

{Few Hours Later}

{Abby's POV}

I park my car and run inside my parents house right away.

"Mom, dad?" I yell throughout the house, crying.

I go into the living room to see everyone asleep. They look so cute, and peaceful. I see mamas eyes flutter open and look at me in fear from my crying. She quietly and slowly gets up and comes over to me.

"Let's go into my bedroom." She whispered and we go upstairs.

Mama shuts the door behind her and we both pick a spot on the bed to talk.

"What's going on?" Mother asked as she handed my the tissue box.

"Chase and I aren't getting married anymore. I kinda kicked him out.." I cried.

"Why, what happened, darling?" she spoke softly.

"He cheated." I told her.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry!" She pulled me in for a hug and held me tight in her small arms.

I always loved when mama consoled me and hugged me.

"I just wish I had a relationship like you and Mike." I said.

Mama sighed and looked at me, pressing her lips together. She was thinking of how to respond. Although, she didn't know how to. So I spoke.

"You both are always so loving together and just get along all the time. He's always hugging you and kissing you. He makes you laugh. You both are always together, and when you are, your both are just being cute to each other. I want that, mama. I really do." I looked mama in the eyes, and saw tears forming in her eyes.

All the sudden, as mama started to speak Hadith cried. Screaming out for Carrie and Mike. My mom jumped off the bed and ran downstairs as quick as she could, as I followed behind her.

"Mommy!!!!!!" Hadith cried more.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mama worried.

"Spider!!! Its on the wall." She yelled.

"Shh... Its okay. Daddy will get rid of it." My mama promised Hadith.

"Yeah kiddo, I got it. It's not gonna get you. If anything, it'll get mommy." Mike said grabbing Carrie by her waist and picking her up into his arms.

"Ahh!" Carrie screamed as she laughed.

"Get mommy!!!" Brantley shouted.

They all attacked my mom with tickles and jumping around. Everyone laughed and I looked at how my parents looked at each other. They both looked so happy and in love. I was happy for them. I've never seen anyone fall for each other before by just looking into each other's eyes.

I decided to join in and save mama by attacking the girls. While I attacked the girls, I saw dad help my mom up and they started to speak to just each other.

"I love you." I heard Mike whisper into Carrie's ear.

They hugged and kissed each other. I miss always being around. When I was younger, things were much better. I always had mama, and I didn't live alone.

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