Chapter 16

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{2 weeks later}

{Carrie's point of view}

We get back from our honeymoon and decide to relax for awhile.

{At home}

"Abby, please come here darling." I shout up the stairs.

"Yes mama?" Abby says rushing downstairs.

"You have mail." I say handing her an envelope.

Abby quickly opened her envelope and read what was inside the card.

"I'm not going." She said setting the card down.

"Abby... Your going." I demanded.

"No... How'd you know what it was?" Abby said curiously.

"Mama knows everything. Your going. Is all she's asking is for you to go to a party Abby. Not hangout for a weekend. Better go RSVP." I said adding a wink.

I knew Abby didn't like mine and Mikes niece, Hadley. But she was a sweet girl. Mike and I love her.

"Fine..." Abby said sighing.

I picked up Brantley and she smiled.

"Can you say mama?" I asked her.

I waited a minute.

"No? Okay...?" I say walking into the kitchen with her.

I set her in her high chair and walk over to the pantry. I take out Cheerios and place them in front of her.

She picks up a handful and shoves them into her mouth.

"Silly girl... You eat like your father." I let out a giggle after.

I hear the front door open.

"Mike?" I ask with a smile.

After no response I start walking towards the living room.

"Mike? Are you home from practice babe?" I asked.

Still.... No response. I started to worry.

"Is dad home?" I hear Abby yell down.

I don't answer her. I walk towards the living room some more. I feel my hands shaking and a knot forming in my stomach.

I make my way to the living room to see a man with blood everywhere.

"Oh my god!!!" I yell backing up.

"Mama?" I hear Abby rushing down.

"Get upstairs. Now!!! Call the cops and your father!" I scream as the guy walks over to me.

I glance at the knife in his hand. He starts running towards me and I feel him tackle me and all the sudden a pain in my stomach.

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