Chapter 37

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{Abby's POV}

{2 Weeks Later}

{At Mike's}

"Hey dad, can we invite mom over for dinner?" I asked.

"Abby, we aren't getting back together." He told me sternly.

Now that Amy is out of the picture, things have been a lot easier for me. As much as I would love for Carrie and Mike to get back together, it won't happen. So I gave up on that.

"That isn't what I want. I just want to have a family dinner." I say to him.

He doesn't answer, he just gives out a huge sigh.

"I miss when we all ate dinner together daddy. We all loved it. We laughed, smiled, joked around, and talked. We don't do that anymore." I cry.

"Okay, okay... Call your mother. I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry. Okay?" My dad said rubbing my back.

"Okay..." I say as he wipes away my tears.

I walk away to my cell phone and dial my mom's number.

Carrie: Hello?

Abby: Mom, will you come over dad's for dinner please?

Carrie: I can't babe, I have a date tonight. Remember?

Abby: Mom, please?

Carrie: I'm not canceling my date. Now stop it.

Abby: Fine, whatever.

Carrie: Don't give me an attitude missy.

Abby: I just wanted family time. That's all... I wanted to eat as a family.

Carrie: That's the thing abbs, we aren't a family. Not anymore.

I hang up the phone and throw it onto the bed. I run out and find my dad and I hug him.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Mama, she says we aren't a family anymore!" I cried to him.

"Is she coming?" Dad questioned.

"No. She has a date." I tell him.

"Guess her dates more important than a family dinner, huh?" Mike said.

"Guess so.... Yeah." I replied.

{Carrie's POV}

After I get off the phone with Abby, I start to feel guilty.

"Did I really just pick some random man over my ex and children?" I ask myself.

I pick up my phone and send a text.

Me: Hey, I can't make it tonight. Maybe a rain check?

Date: I was looking forward to tonight. But sure.

Me: Sorry, my kids need me tonight.

I throw my phone in my purse and walk out the door. I go to Mike's house and see Abby sitting outside in the steps.

"Hey, mom, what are you doing here?" Abigail questioned.

"Just thought I'd have dinner with my family tonight." I smile.

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