Chapter 52

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{2 Months Later}

{Carrie's POV}

Abby has moved back into the house to help me with the girls while Mike has been busy with hockey. I place my hand on my 5 month belly.

"Hey baby, I'm leaving." Mike told me, as he walked out of the bathroom.

"You look nice with your hair combed back like that." I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"And you look cute with your baby bump." he spoke softly.

"Why thank you. Your the one who did it!" Carrie joked.

"Guess I did." I laughed along with her.

"Mommy make me lunch, now." Brantley demanded as she stomped her way into the room.

"Excuse me missy, but use your manners please.." Carrie reminded her.

"No. I want a sandwich now!!!" She yelled at me.

"Brantley! You know better than that!" I yelled.

"Yes, sorry daddy....." She apologized to me.

"She's been so disrespectful to me lately.." Carrie whispered.

"Oh man, I've gotta go! I'm gonna be late. Love you!" Mike said, as he picked up his luggage and left the room.

"Yeah... Love you too, Mike." I told myself.

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