Chapter 22

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{Carrie's POV}

I wake up to the feeling of coldness. I curl up into a ball to keep warm. I start having flash backs of what the man did to me.

I remember him cutting my hair. Then he ripped off my clothes... After.. He... He rapped me.

I cry into my knees and I begin to shake and feel sick from starvation. Just then, I realize a gun next to me. With the little light from the windows peeking in, I can make everything out. I reach for the gun and just as I grab it, the man walks in.

"Don't do it Carrie. You'll regret it." He says winking.

Before he could even take another step, I pull the trigger as fast as I could. A few times. After, I open my eyes to see him laying on the ground. Dead. I reach for his pockets and search for the keys. I unlock myself to look at my bloody wrists all cut up.

I grab my clothes and dress myself and I run out the door, up the steps.

I search every door and I finally find my way out. The brightness blinds my fierce eyes as I push my way through people.

"Excuse me, do you have a phone I can please use? It's an emergency!" I cry out to a woman.

"Are you alright miss?" She asked me as she handed me her phone.

"Yes, thank you." I reply nicely.

I dial mikes number and it begins to ring. I wait impatiently until the girl speaks again.

"What happened to you? I don't mean to pry, but your awfully dirty." She said worriedly.

"I'm fine. I promise. Thanks for your concern." I say waiting for mike or Abby to answer.

Mike: Hello?

Carrie: Mike! it's Carrie!!

Mike: Are you okay? Where are you sweetie?

Carrie: I'm umm.. The stadium. I'm here.

Mike: Okay, stay where you are okay?

Carrie: Yeah. Please hurry.

Mike: I will.

I hang up and give the girl her phone back.

"Thank you so much!" I said beginning to cry.

I walked quickly towards the curb, where Mike could clearly see me. I look around for what seems like forever.

After give minutes. Mike pulls up and parks the truck. He gets out and runs to me.

"Carrie!!!! What happened to you baby? I've been worried sick. Are you okay?" He asked hugging me.

"I... I dunno...." I say crying into his shoulder.

"Where were you?" He asked me, hugging me tighter.

"Mike, I don't know. I don't know anything. I just want to go home. Please." I cry some more.

"Okay, okay. We'll go home." He says grabbing me waist and walking me to the truck.

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