Chapter 26

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{Carrie's POV}

We all get home and settle in. I place Brantley in her crib to get some rest. I start to walk downstairs and hear Abby and Mike talking.

"So are you going to continue to live here?" Abby asked Mike.

"No. Tonight I'm going to stay in a guest room, but tomorrow I'm gonna go check into a hotel." Mike responds.

"Aw.. I don't want you to go." Abby states.

"Yeah, neither do I. But I don't want to get in your mothers way." Mike tells her.

I walk all the way down the steps and smile once I walk into the living room.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed now." Abby says getting up.

"Alrighty. I love you kiddo!" I say hugging her tightly.

"Love you too. Goodnight." Abby responds to me.

"Goodnight Abby." Mike says hugging her.

"Night dad." She says going upstairs.

"I think I'll go to bed too." Mike told me.

"Wait, Mike?" I asked getting his attention.

"Yes?" He responded.

"The bed in the guest room is uncomfortable. You can sleep in the bedroom if you'd like to?" I offered.

"Thanks Care. But what about you? I don't want you being uncomfortable." He told me. ]

"Well, I'll be sleeping in my bed also. If you don't mind?" I asked.

"No, go ahead. But we aren't together anymore Care. That'll be weird." He said biting his lip.

When Mike bit his lip, it was always a turn on.

"Well then sleep on the couch." I sggest quickly as i turned around to walk upstairs.

Ithe offer still on the table?" Mike asked me as i walked up the steps.

"Yes." I responded making my way to the bedroom.

Mike ran up the stairs and followed me in to the bedroom. We both got dressed and laid down. After ten minutes of chatting with Mike, i closed my eyes. I felt warm and safe. Knowing Mike was next to me, I knew I'd be able to get a good nights sleep.

Before that thought could even process, Mike grabbed my hand, he held it, with what seemed like forever. But then I turned around. We faced eachother. We both smiled and with the touch of our hands, our love for each other heated quickly. I would never give up on Mike, even if we divorced.

Mike moved closer, and closer, and even closer than what I thought wasn't even possible. But I didn't stop him. He kept moving, until we were lip to lip. I haven't felt such a passionate kiss in forever. His touch gave me the shivers. His voice felt like I was being lifted off of my feet. His love, care, and thoughts for me, they made me think we were the only people on the earth.

"I love you." Mike said as he released the kiss. His eyes glistened, sparkled, shinned, pieces of blue. His eyes, they were so deep, that I got lost. And I didn't tend to get lost too often either...

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