Chapter 5

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{Abby's point of view}

I wake up to an obnoxious noise next to me. I look over and I realize it's my alarm.

I hit the button to turn it off and it finally stops.

I hear my door open and I turn towards the door.

"Just making sure your awake. We're gonna head out in a half hour." My mama says.

She closes the door and I get up. I walk to my closet and throw on some white shirts and a flowy pink shirt. Carrie gave me this shirt, so I love it. It smells just like her.

I grab a pair of flip flops and quickly out them on. I go into the bathroom and I wash my face. After that, I brush my teeth and I brush my hair.

When I'm ready, I walk out of my bedroom and go into my moms room.

I see her in the mirror checking out her body. She normally does that, but I see her run her belly like she's wanting to lose some weight. She's always worried about her appearance.

She walks over to her bed and throws on a white dress and some sandals.

My mom always looks so good. Her hair is always done and so is her makeup.

"You look beautiful mama!" I say.

"Thank you." She says smiling at me.

An hour later...

We pull up to the mall and my mom parks.

My mom gets out and I just stare at her.

"Well...? Are ya coming kiddo?" She's asks me.

"Oh, yeah mom." I respond laughing.

We walk around a few stores and buy some things. After awhile I start to get a little bored of shopping.

"Mama?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She responds.

"Can we get our hair done?" I ask her shyly.

"You mean, dyed?" She asks.

"Mhm." I say.

"Sure, what colors do you want sweetheart?" My mom asks.

"Just blonder I guess." I say.

We walk in and we get our hair done. Before I know it, we're all done and we get ready to leave the mall now.

I look at my mom and see how beautiful she looks. I pull my phone out and I look at myself. My mom and I got the same color.

I realize how much more I look like her now, although she's not even my real mom.

Few hours later.

{carries point of view}

After we leave the mall, I take Abigail to lunch. We head down to subway. Since it's easy, and good. It's actually our favorite place to eat. Besides Olive Garden of course!

After lunch, I take Abby to a special place. Somewhere she's never been. Something that I own. Somewhere she has never even seen, nor heard of.

After awhile, we pull into a dirt road.

"Where are we going? Please tell me we aren't fishing mom. Last time we pulled onto a dirt road we went fishing with mike. Man, was that boring!" Abby says.

I let out a little chuckle and nudge her arm.

"Calm down, we're not doing anything like that. I promise. I just wanted to stop somewhere before we go home. I'd like fire you to enjoy what's around you right now." I say to her smiling.

"Around me? We're in the middle of nowhere Carrie. How can I enjoy nature? It's boring." Abby says to me.

"Really? Just try. I know nature may not sound so 'fun' to kids anymore, but when I was your age...." I say being cut off.

"Yeah, yeah... When you were my age you were always outside and you played in the mud, climbed trees and so on with your sisters and friends." Abby says.

"Never mind. We're just going to go home if that's the way your going to be Abigail. I wanted to take you to this place because of how nice and old it is. But never mind." I say getting aggravated with her.

"I'm sorry... Please, show me. I wanna see now mama." Abby says.

"No, we're going home." I say turning around very quickly.

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