Chapter 59

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{Mikes POV}
As Carrie and I get ready for bed, I think about Abby and her baby. Then the girls. Also, my wife and our baby.

"Care?" I question.

"Hmm..?" She responds.

I can tell she's upset and scared.

"Abby.... She can't have this baby stay here. You know we're already struggling with space in this house." I say, wanting to be angry.

"I was thinking the same thing. I wanna be mad, but I can only imagine what the poor girl is going through. She's over 18, so it's not like I can really be mad. She can do what she wants." She responded as tears rolled down her face.

"Maybe we can move into a bigger house." I suggest.

"Mike, we raised our girls in this house. I don't want to move. I want them to grow up with the friends they have now. I want to raise this baby here." She tells me.

I can see the symphony in her eyes. She really loves this house.

"This is our first place together." I smile at her. "I wanna stay here too."

"Good. Abby could also just get a place close by." She suggests.

"We'll talk to her about it tomorrow morning. I'm sure she'll understand." I responded to my wife.

"Actually, I have a doctors appointment in the morning. So maybe you could go tell her now and ask if she could watch the girls in the morning ?" Carried wondered.

"Okay, I'll go do that." I smile.

As Carrie lays down, I kiss her goodnight and tuck her in. On my way out, I shut off the lights and close our bedroom door. I walk down the hallway to Abby's room. I noticed her bedroom light was on, so thankfully she wasn't asleep yet.

"Hey kid, can we talk really quick?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" She responds.

"I know your going through a lot with being pregnant and all. But your mom and I talked... We don't really have a lot of room for two babies in the house right now. Your mother doesn't want to have to give up this house. There's a lot of memories in here. With raising you and the girls, then having this be mine and your moms first house. I don't want to move either. Maybe we can find a house for you and the kid close by?" I suggest.

"I think that'll be better. I want to raise this baby by myself. But I will need your help." Abby giggles.

"I'm glad you understand. Come here." I say.

Abby and I share a quick hug.

"Your a great kid." I say.

"Thanks, dad." She responds.

"By the way, your mom has a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. She wants to see if you'll watch the girls while we go?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Abby smiles.

"Thank you." I say.

"Anything for you both! Goodnight..." Abby tells me.

"Goodnight, kid." I responded.

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