Chapter 46

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{Carries POV}

I begin to eat the oatmeal Mike fixed up for me. But then I feel sick. So I push it aside and take a sip of my water.

"You full already?" Mike questioned as he did up the dishes.

"Just about." I say standing up, handing him my bowl and spoon.

I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I can't believe how grown up my little Abby has gotten.

"Hey mama, I've gotta get going. Work duties." Abby laughs.

"Oh darn, I was hoping we could all do something today." I frowned.

"How about I host dinner at my place? I'll invite Chase." She tells me.

"Okay, sounds great!" I smile, hugging her.

{At Dinner}

I knock on the door as the girls are playing in the snow.

"Girls! Stop, I don't want you tracking snow throughout your sisters new house." I say sternly.

"Sorry mama..." Brantley says.

The door opens, its Abby's boyfriend, Chase.

"Hi, Chase!" I smile.

"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Fisher! And girls." Chase says, hugging us all.

After we were greeted, we all walk in.

"How was the drive over?" Abby asked us.

"Mike drove carefully. So it wasn't too bad." I smiled, setting the dessert I brought, on the counter.

"Dessert!" Chase said, excitingly.

"My moms desserts are the best!" Abby reassures him.

"Looking forward to it." He smiles.

{After Dinner}

{Mike's POV}

"Mr. Fisher, can I please talk to you?" Chase asked me.

"Sure, bud." Mike replied.

"I wanted to ask you, sir, if I can marry your daughter?" Chase curiously questioned.

"I think your a good guy, Chase. I accept." I smile.

"Thank you so much!" Chase said, hugging me.

"Yah.. No problem." I said awkwardly.

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