Chapter 25

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{Carrie's POV}

I pushed the doors open as hard as I could. They flung opened, then slammed shut. I just wanted to see my baby. I wanted to make sure she was alright.

For some reason, I hated when Mike touched me. He set something off when he hugged me. My emotions started to fly everywhere and I didn't like it.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I have a kid with Mike. I can't just shut him out. I need to work with him for Brantley's sake. She needs the both of us.

"Mama?" I heard a shy voice call for me.

I turned around to see Abby.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" She questioned.

"Uh... Yeah. Just upset." I told her.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Mike and I just don't work anymore. We're getting a divorce." I said crying.

"Oh... I'm sorry mama. But listen to me, you both moved too quickly. A baby, then marriage. That's a lot to take on." Abby stated.

"Yeah, I know... Your right babe." I said agreeing.

"Well whatever happens, I'm here for you. Okay?" Abby says hugging me.

"Thank you..." I say hugging her back.

"No problem." She says releasing the hug.

Abby walks back inside and I sit on the side of the curb. I remember something I have to help me relieve some stress. So I get up and walk to the side of the building to where no one can see me.

I pull the pack out of my purse and light a cigarette.

If my mama knew, she would kill me. If Abby knew, she would hate me. But Mike, I could care less what he thought.

"Carrie?" I hear a voice yell.

I throw the cigarette down to the ground and step on it. Mike walks around the corner.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing." I told him, lying.

"Well Brantley is out. Thought you'd wanna see her." He tells me.

"Not if your here. I don't want to be around you. So if you would please, just leave?" I asked.

"She's my kid too Carrie. She's just a baby yet. You need to understand, she needs us both." He responds.

I knew Mike was right. He was 100% correct. But I didn't care. I know it's selfish of me to want to have my kids all to myself, but it's because I'm scared. I'm scared what will happen.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm staying at the house until we decide on who gets it. I'll stay in the guest room. I just wanna see the kids Carrie. That's all I ask. I love them, and... I love you." He says walking away.

I whisper "I love you too..." I say crying.

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