Chapter 53

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{Carries POV}

I think about the way Mike had just left so quickly when things went down with Brantley. What am I going to do with the girls?! More importantly, what am I going to do after I have another kid?

I begin to think about my future and if Mike is ever really going to be here. It scares me that knowing it's just going to be me and Abby with all the kids. Most of all me, since Abby is now in college.

I sigh, "I can't do this."

I let tears fly down my checks as I feel arms wrap securely around me.

"I'm sorry..." Mike whispered into my ear as he strongly gripped the back of my shirt.

Mike rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"I love you. You know that?" He explained.

"I love you too. But Mike, please... Promise your going to be here more. I need you more than ever right now." I pleaded as I looked into my husband's blue eyes.

"I promise, darling. I will be here." Mike smiled.

"Forever?" I questioned as he wiped the tears off my fave.

"Forever." Mike repeated as he kissed my forehead.

"Mommy, we're hungry." The girls told me coming into the room.

"I'll get right on that." I fake smiled.

"Actually, you relax babe. I got it." He kissed me.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive. Come on girls, let's go get cookin'!" Mike said in excitement.

Knowing that Mike promised to be here means a lot. He's missing a hockey game to be with his family. Which I love. But I knew I couldn't take his word for it. No matter what he says I couldn't.

Mike could say he loves me and he would mean it. But he could say he'll be here forever, but I'd regret taking his word for it because he'd find a way for him to break that promise.

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