Chapter 47 (Story of A Lost Angel)

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Inside the Crimson house Andrew stated all to Mrs. Caroline the plans Grayson laid for the town & about his wings that intrigued him. But what really troubles their mind is the white owl that warned him about Grayson's return.

"This might sound strange but that owl I saw last night feels like someone I already know" Said Andrew.

"I saw it too, last night after the concert when we're going inside the house the white owl was staring at us" Madison told to them.

"Well whatever that owl was, it's on our side because it gave us a warning about Grayson" Mrs. Caroline assured.

"I just hope that owl will show itself tonight because if it knows something about Grayson then maybe it knows how to help us" Andrew speculated.

"I say we wait for it tonight" Clark suggested.

On that night the protectors hid themselves & waited for the owl to arrive where Maddie first saw it. Minutes came by & there was a flapping sound heard coming down so when they check on it they saw the owl sitting on the fountain again. Maddie shushed the rest of them & gently approached the nocturnal bird that quickly interacted with her.

"Madison dear I am so happy to see you again, sorry it took me a while to get back but now I am here" It said to her.

"Father is that you?" She recognized the tone of its voice.

"Yes Madison it's me"

"Clark! Mel! It's father!!!" She cried to them.

All of them came out & went to Maddie to confirm if what she said was true.

"Madison what are you talking about?" Said Clark.

"That owl is our father"

"What do you mean? I don't understand! Our father is dead"

"No I am not" It answered. "Madison is telling the truth Clarkson I am here & alive"

"Father what in good grace has happened to you?" Melissa gasped.

"Well I might have become a fuzzy owl & I don't know how. After I left my body I was now a wandering spirit & the wind brought me to this forest filled with lost souls where I met this man in a cloak"

"You went to the forest of souls?" Andrew reacted surprised.

"Yes & the keeper of that place was very accommodating. A few weeks later a white light hit me & I was transformed into an owl, I knew I wasn't ready to move on yet so I prayed that I want to be alive again & it was heard but not as I expected"

"Wait, didn't Andrew wish for Xander & Mr. Oliver to be alive again?" Tristan remembered.

"You're right Tristan I also included Mr. Oliver when I made that wish, like I said before I wasn't expecting it to work in a weird way"

"Now this is shocking Andrew turn our father into an owl"

"Hey I was having a hard time back there, so cut me some slack okay?" Andrew defended on his self. "I am so sorry Mr. Oliver this happened to you, my apologies"

"I guess we can call you now "Mr. Owliver", get it? Owliver?" Tristan joked.

"Not a good time for that Tristan" Maddie stared at him annoyed.

"Sorry my bad"

"If you're already alive there as an owl why didn't you come back to us then?" Lauren questioned.

"I was going back then but I realized in this kind of form I can't help you so I've searched for another way to be in assistance by discovering more of Grayson's history. With the help of the keeper he sent me to this place called City of Lost Angels"

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