Chapter 29 (Deep Rising)

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Night in the whole town & peace is once again restored. The moon is at its fullness illuminating the clear skies with its light. Across the sea of Bayview Harbor a new threat is waiting to be unleashed at the moment. From the depths of the ocean a whirlpool began to circulate & with it above the water another black hole appeared extricating another one of the dark sorcerers, the beautiful siren of the sea Eulisha.

Meanwhile outside the balcony of their house Andrew is being seen gazing upon the stars holding the wishing quill Roane gave to him. Suddenly Lauren came out too & stood on his side.

"Hey Andrew what are you doing?"

"Just catching some fresh air & looking at the beautiful night sky" He replied. "You're still up?"

"I can't get any sleep. Isn't that the wishing feather Roane gave to you? Why aren't you using it to heal Caleb?"

"I want to Lauren but this feather is so powerful & I know it can do more than just heal"

"If you're planning to bring back Xander or Mr. Oliver you can't & you can't rewind the past. You know the rules & you might end up like Jewel" Lauren warned to him.

"I just miss them so much & I want Caleb to be better too. But I have to make a choice" Andrew sighed.

"Then choose what's the best....." Putting her hand on Andrew's.

Andrew held the quill in both hands & closed his eyes. Focusing on what he wants he took a deep breath & wished in his mind what his heart is telling him.

"I wish that Caleb will recover now from his injury & wake up soon & I wish that there's another way for Xander & Mr. Oliver to be here without breaking the rules"

Then the feather disappeared in sparkling dust sign that the wish has been granted.

"I trust that you made the right decision" Lauren kissed at him.

"Yeah" He replied feeling guilty.

"Andrew you look tense..."

"No I am just a bit worried. I am glad that we defeated Jewel but Grayson & the other two sorcerers are nowhere to be found. Any time now they could be plotting their evil schemes like Jewel did"

"You don't have to worry about it, you have us on your side & we are much stronger now"

"You're right. As long as we stick together we can beat them all..."

Back at the ocean the siren Eulisha took a little time to dive under the water as her emerald colored tail glows in beauty reflected by the moon's light. As she rises up from the bottom she saw the flashing lights of town which got her all curious & mesmerize so she quickly swam across the shore. The moment she sets on the land her tail shed & turned into legs allowing her to walk on the sand, then the shell necklace she is wearing glowed & some voices begin to whisper inside her head. For some unexplained reason Eulisha is under control of a dark magic.

While walking on the side of the beach she began to use her enchanted voice & sing like the sirens do to lure seafarers in the old times. As she continues to sing, her voice spread throughout town & it's being heard by several men that got them out of their senses making them a slave for Eulisha's voice. The ones who heard the song followed the sound directing them to the sea & for one final touch Eulisha used her magic & transformed all the taken men into merfolk with faces like fish, fins, scales & gills as her minions.

The following day the sparkling dust of wish traveled across town in search for something or someone & has split itself into two. The first half of it carry out a mysterious white figure & turn it into a white smoke that quickly proceeded & went to the hospital where Caleb is confine, the white smoke went inside Caleb's room & instantly unified itself into Caleb's whole body waking him up alive.

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