Chapter 33 (The Moon & The Sea)

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Back at town the sun already set just in time to plot their battle strategy over Eulisha. The sea was calm but the wind was blowing hard, a sign Andrew took as a warning so they called the rest of the team.

From the Crimson house Melissa ordered Maddie & Tristan to head at the beach & meet the others while she searches for her wand. Mel tried to remember where she last put it until Mrs. Caroline came & lend it to her.

"Melissa dear, I believe you left this in your room"

"Thank you mother. I've been looking for it all over the house I thought I lost it"

"Well you should be more mindful on your things Mel"

"I am so sorry mother but I have to go now. Clark & the others are waiting for me" She hurried.

"Take care of yourself Melissa & take care also of your brother & sister"

"Yes mother" She smiled promptly.

As she rush outside the house, Mel didn't notice that Caleb's car was just behind her, in assurance of no one is looking Mel disappeared using her flames which Caleb saw.

Night has fallen & behind the clouds the full moon revealed itself illuminating the whole sky & reflecting the sea with its bright light causing Clark's wand to glow.

"My wand it's reacting to the moon's light" He stated. "I think it has something to do on what you call here on this world a "blue moon" right?"

"Does this mean it's getting stronger?" Andrew tried to confirm.

"Yes & I can feel it"

Then Melissa appeared in front them apologizing for the inconvenience she has caused.

"Sorry I am late everyone, I had to find my wand"

"That's all right Mel, now I need you to set up a fire wall at this shore where we are standing to temporarily hold down Eulisha's attack"

"You got it" Setting up the fire wall in front of them using her wand that stood high on the sea.

In just a few moments Eulisha's merfolk minions ascended & begin charging towards them but got blocked from Mel's defense. The merfolks tried to break the wall but every time they tackle it the flames of it heats harder burning them.

"What if they get through the wall?" Tristan asked worriedly.

"Don't worry I got a backup plan" Andrew assured.

With the merfolks getting exhausted, Eulisha finally decided to show herself & break down the wall with another huge wave extinguishing the flames of it, giving her minions to enter the land.

"Here they come!" Maddie yelled.

"Leave it to me guys" Andrew stepped in. "Wet of water & muddy soil turn these sands into a coiling quicksand"

The combination of water & earth spell softens the beach's sand turning it into a quicksand that the merfolks fell right through, trapping them to its sticky hold.

"Their stuck!" Said Tristan.

"Now let's see them get out of that one" Andrew smirked.

"You fools!!!! How could you fell for a trick like that!!!!" Eulisha yelled in rage.

"Sorry Eulisha but your minions won't be going anywhere" Clark teased.

"I can still take you all down using my power. So prepare for your doom as I raise this ocean & destroy your precious town!!!!" She declared.

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