Chapter 17 (Case Close)

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After the portal permanently closed they took a deep silence to remember Cyrus's sacrifice for them. The man was misunderstood & needed someone to stand by him. Now that everything is too late & can't be undone for his brother Oliver just took a deep breath & remembered all of the good memories he & Cyrus had, especially in the end they got to mend their broken relationship as brothers.

Suddenly a quite change started to happen to the Crimsons. Now the curse is broken, their bodies released a black smoke & began to glow. Slowly Mel, Clark & Maddie began to age as the years that had been delayed on them now caught up. Clarkson is now taller like Andrew & mature looking. Melissa became a young woman same age as Lauren with long hair & slim body while Madison grew & change into a beautiful teenager.

"Clark, Mel, Maddie! We did it we broke the curse!" Andrew smiled with glee.

As for Mr. & Mrs. Crimson they didn't age much, for part of their magic preserves their age so only the thing that change in them was their hair color & skin texture. Still both of them are strong & healthy looking.

"So that's what you really look like" Said Lauren.

"Indeed we are" Clark replied. "What can you say?"

"You look charming in a dark sort of way & your sisters are very beautiful" Lauren commented.

"Thank you Ms. Maye"

But Tristan was a little upset on Melissa's change.

"Tristan what's wrong? You look sad" Mel asked.

"Well Mel now you are as the same age like Andrew & Lauren I guess you don't want to hang with me anymore do you?" Tristan sighed.

"Why would you think that? I may be older now but I am still the Mel you met & I still want to hang with you because you are fun" Melissa smiled.

"Now you don't have to live in a repetitive day. You are free to do whatever you love"

"Thank you Tristan" She embraced at him.

While everyone is busy having their own conversations, Andrew finally took the moment to confess his feelings for Lauren. He was shaking & nervous upon approaching to Lauren.

"Hey Lauren" He called.

"Yes Andrew?" She turned around.

"There's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I think I've fallen in love with you" He said directly while blushing. "You see I wanted to tell it to you the moment we were fighting those zombies because I thought we are never going to survive but I guess that wasn't the right time. Lauren I love you! I can't explain it but all the time I think about you & I am happy when you're around. Lauren I------"

"Shush!" Lauren covering up his mouth. "I love you too" Hugging Andrew real tight. "Thank you for being with me. I am very happy too that you're here"

Then they look at each other's face, Lauren holding Andrew's cheeks while both of them crying with tears of joy. Finally Andrew kissed Lauren directly on the lips while the Crimsons & Tristan watch them blissfully. Melissa who is overwhelmed with joy quickly approached Andrew to express her gratitude.

"Now that I am no longer a kid anymore I think its okay to call you Andrew now?"

"Anything you want Mel"

"I just want to say thank you for helping me & my family Andrew. Thank you so much" Melissa thank as she hug Andrew.

Then Maddie, Clark & Tristan reach him & gave him a huge group hug with Lauren as they celebrate their victory gloriously. In that moment Oliver handed the family wand to Andrew & asked him to keep it & use its power wisely. Andrew received it remembering the warning that the Aviary told him.

"Darkness & chaos to come"

After a few weeks everything change, especially their lives. Andrew & Lauren stayed more a while in Bayview Harbor as they began to date as a couple. Tristan who is now a "G.O" which Andrew established as an acronym for Gifted One decided to be a vigilant to protect the innocent against crime. With his incredible speed, criminals wouldn't have a chance to start a crime before they knew it.

The Crimson family on the other hand began to create new memories & start a new life now that they are free from the curse. Clarkson started to put an interest on sculpting, Melissa tried to do cooking while Madison dedicated some of her time in fashion.

Still the town of Bayview Harbor has a lot of hidden secrets that hasn't been discover or some just doesn't want to be unravel & it's up to Andrew to solve it.

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