Chapter 28 (Playing The Right Cards)

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Upon their arrival on this mysterious town Roane felt a sense that he was home while Andrew & the others were amaze on what they are seeing. It was already night & the streets were filled with shining lights. The place can be compared like in those Middle East country with people dressed in long robes & gypsy outfits. In some aspects the town adapted some cultures of the human world which makes it seem like an ordinary place of a country.

 In some aspects the town adapted some cultures of the human world which makes it seem like an ordinary place of a country

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Ok where here now what do we do?" Clark asked.

"We look for something suspicious. Keep your eyes peeled, Jewel could be anywhere watching us" Andrew instructed.

"I just remembered something" Mel thought. "Earlier in the projection we saw a bird soaring from the sky. Roane can you tell us what is that?"

"I believe that is the Star Bird Melissa. It's the creature that cursed Jewel"

"Wait a second" She paused. "If what we saw is set to happen that means the Star Bird will appear in this town?"

"But when & how?" Lauren wondered.

"Hey everybody look there is a garden shrine across that road" Maddie pointed. "Let's have a look at it"

Team MAGIC instantly took a look at the place & sooner Roane realize that the shrine was for the Star Bird. Stating that the town has still new generation of people who came from Myachos that still honors the sacred bird. Inside of it they saw different kinds of birds but what caught their attention was this bird that has long colorful feathers similar to the Star Bird.

 Inside of it they saw different kinds of birds but what caught their attention was this bird that has long colorful feathers similar to the Star Bird

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Suddenly they heard an explosion coming from outside so they came out & saw the people screaming & running in panic. In the middle of the street Jewel finally appeared laughing as she watches the people of Clairesias cower in fear.

"That's right, run like rats because tonight this place will be history & you will watch as I reclaim my kingdom!!!!!" She announced.

"Should we be attacking her right now???"

"Not yet Roane. I have a plan, we let her release all of the dreams & proceed to her plans. Once she is close we'll spoil everything for her" Andrew device.

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