Chapter 32 (Journey To Oceantis)

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The night was still young & the protectors waited for Clark to wake up so they decided to stay for a while & sat as Mel prepared a bonfire using her flames to keep all of them warm & cozy. Tristan took off his shirt & places it near the fire to make it dry & sat next to Maddie who is warming herself. Andrew & Lauren lean to each other as they feel the heat steaming through their bodies.

 Andrew & Lauren lean to each other as they feel the heat steaming through their bodies

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"Thank you for saving my brother Andrew" Said Mel.

"You're welcome Mel. I thought we are goners out there & to be honest I got scared in that situation. It's a good thing I remembered that spell Mr. Oliver wrote in his book but what bugs me is why Clark didn't use his magic to save himself when he is a master of controlling the water?"

"I think its best Clarkson explain it all to you...."

In a moment Clarkson finally woke up coughing a bit of sea water out of his mouth & shivering.

"Everyone what happened & where's Eulisha?" He asked perplexed.

"Relax Clark" Andrew calming him down. "She's gone now but she will be back, so it's not yet over"

"I was drowning back there was I?"

"Yes but it was a good thing Andrew save you" Said Lauren.

"You rescued me Olderson?"

"Yeah because I am your friend"

"This is embarrassing" Putting his hand on his face. "Thank you Andrew, sincerely"

"What happened to you back there?" Andrew curiously asked.

"When you were out cold I got to face Eulisha & learned her weakness. I was too close on defeating her but she wiped us out with a giant wave dragging me down in the middle of the sea. I tried to use my magic but I got caught in my fear of the open water that's why I panic & lost control" Bowing his head in shame.

"You're afraid of the ocean? Your main element is water & that is your expertise" Andrew reasoned.

"Well that is a lie; I never use my water ability not after what happened to me when I was a kid. Back in Atticus when me & my father were travelling on a ship I accidentally fell on it. I tried to remain calm & remember what he told me that "water is life". But when it went too long the water begin to pull me down & I tried to swim hard as I can but it feels I am not going anywhere & that is when I begin to cry. I screamed but nobody heard me until I lost consciousness & completely sank underwater. The last thing I remembered was this girl swimming towards me, she didn't have legs but a fish tail instead. When I woke up I was already back in the ship, father told me that a young mermaid save my life & brought me back to him"

"You met a mermaid?" Tristan smiled.

"Yes but I didn't know her name. Throughout that day I feared the ocean, so I stick to my Lumin abilities & the only reason I got to use my water ability again is because I didn't have any options when I was fighting Uncle Cyrus"

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