Chapter 19 (An Uprising Return)

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Meanwhile at the Crimson's home Maddie decided to sit down, relax & arrange her cards. While sorting them out one by one, the cards started to tell something in her mind so Maddie used her fortune telling abilities to see what her cards hold. Upon placing down four cards Maddie flip them & she saw the same vision that Andrew dream of & it was revealed that the four individuals who are about to set the discord are the four banished sorcerers of Atticus; Jewel, Eulisha, Pyrone & their leader Grayson who are bound to return once the blood of new magic sets them free from the prison that is holding them.

Madison was shock & terrified on what she saw, so she rose up from her sit & quickly rush in to find Oliver. When she found him he was in the room where they keep magical items like the remaining three wands of the protectors together with her siblings Clarkson & Melissa.

"Father!!! Father!!!" She screamed frantically as she enters the room.

"Maddie calm down what's happening to you?" Said Oliver.

"Father my cards they showed me a horrible vision that is set to happen soon!" She said in fear.

"What are you talking about Maddie?" Clark asked.

"Grayson & the other banished sorcerers they will return, in this town!"

"That's ridiculous!" Clark replied.

"It's true & we're all in great danger"

"Everyone look" Said Melissa as she noticed the wands glow inside their case. "Father what is happening to the wands?"

 "Father what is happening to the wands?"

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"I am afraid Maddie is telling the truth. The quartet is near now & closer to their return" Oliver said nervously.

"But how is that possible?" Clark questioned. "You said they will only be free if a blood of new magic was born from one of the four protectors & right now all of their descendants are blessed from Grayson's curse even us"

"You're right Clark, perhaps there is one descendant that hasn't been blessed. Madison said they will come into this town so it means the person we are looking for is in this bloody town"

"We need to find Andrew" said Melissa. "He might help us on finding this person"

Before they can leave, Andrew together with Lauren enter the house calling out to them. Immediately they rush down the stairs to answer Andrew's call.

"Mr. Oliver you got to help me...the wand it hurt me!" Andrew cried.

"What happen to your hands?" Oliver asked.

"Something happened to me at the hills while I am using my magic" He replied. "I am trying to close all of the portals in this town when suddenly in this last spot a dark smoke of magic appeared & it made the wand go crazy slashing my palms causing a lot of blood to drip down"

"Blood you say?" Maddie questioned. "What were you trying to do?"

"I was trying to protect everyone from the visions that I dream last night"

"Let me see your hands" Said Clarkson while holding up Andrew's right hand.

"What are you doing? This is a bit awkward...."

"I know but I am going to see & read your dreams"

"Seriously? How?"

"I have the ability to gaze a person's deepest darkest thoughts in their mind & I can tell you're having a hard time dealing with it so I am going to help you..."

"Thank you Clark"

"I guess Andrew isn't the only one full of surprises" Lauren commented.

To get things started Clark begin it with a chant saying;

Moon shining bright as ever, be my light & guide me through this darken mind.

With that chant Clarkson is able to see the dream that Andrew have & the moment he found it, he transported it out of Andrew's mind placing it in an orb that he created.

"Behold Olderson your nightmare"

Clark presented. Then he projected Andrew's dream in a hologram way for everyone to watch & it's the same like Maddie describe but Maddie objected & explained that some of the scenarios are not part of what will really happen once the four evil sorcerers return.

"Everyone listen to me" Maddie requested. "What we all saw is not what will really happen. It's true that the quartet will return but the last parts of the vision are hoax..."

"What do you mean?" Said Andrew.

"The vision the cards gave me is a warning. Mr. Olderson the rifts in your dream will not be the source of their return. See these two cards?" Showing up the burning salamander which represents Andrew & the Haze man. "You must stay away from them or the dark magic will exploit you to fulfill the lost angel's curse" Showing them another card with a picture of a one wing angel.

"Hold on, you said that you were closing all the portals in town right?" Asked Oliver. "So the rifts in your dream represents the portal while the burning salamander is you"

"And the Haze man symbolizes the dark magic! The black smoke that attacked me!" Andrew spoke.

"Which means the Haze man has already exploited you & fulfilled the lost angel's curse..."Grayson's curse". Andrew you're the blood of new magic....." Oliver said worriedly.

"No it can't be that's impossible" He said in confusion. "I can't be that person!"

"He's right father" Clarkson agreed. "Olderson didn't come from Atticus & he's not even related to the protectors. Grayson must have change his curse"

"No he didn't, once a curse is plotted it can never be reverse or change. I guess there is someone who is destined to free them after all"

"But why me Mr. Oliver? How did I get involved in this? Is it something to do with me being a new sorcerer?" He questioned. "There's a lot about me that I don't know & my life is just full of secrets & mystery" Said Andrew in frustration. "I am sorry everyone I doom us all..."

"No you didn't!" Maddie disagree. "If I just warn you more early, we could have prevent you from closing the portals"

"I am really sorry everyone for my actions. I just got scared that something bad might happen to all of you especially to Lauren"

"What you saw that happen to Ms. Lauren in your dream is not true. It's somehow a trick the curse made in order for you to be lured into its trap"

"Enough of this already!" Melissa yelled. "Talking & blaming will not stop the quartet from returning. What we need is to think of a plan to stop them from coming into our town" She suggested.

"How are we going to do that?" Said Clark. "Remember once they are all free, they will come where the blood came from" He reminded.

"I know, if we could only just gather a lot of time to get help from Atticus, maybe we could set up a large barrier around the town to temporarily keep them out for a moment that might buy us some time!"

"Splendid plan Melissa. Before they could arrive we will set the barrier that would keep them busy while we head back to Atticus to recruit some reinforcement that could stand the power of the quartet. In that way, if they ever penetrate themselves through the barrier we are ready to take them on full force" Oliver explained.

There's no time to lose so all of them set off across the town to stop the impending doom ready to burst out.

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