Chapter 1 (The M.E.O)

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After 5 hours of traveling on the road Andrew & his uncles finally made it to the entrance of M.E.O.

"Uncle Rupert where are we know?" Ask Andrew.

"At the entrance of M.E.O" Rupert replied.

"You got to be kidding me, we are on the middle of nowhere & it's like the place that I watched in the episode of "Cryptic Files". What was that again?" Andrew tried to recall. "Oh yeah! It's called the "Area 51". You know this road really looks like the place"

"Actually Andrew this is AREA 51" Exclaimed Thomas.

"What?!? Are you serious Uncle Thomas???"

"Indeed I am"

"Do you have any idea what place is this?!? This is where strange UFO sightings are found"

"There's more to this place you haven't known yet Andrew"

"You see that tunnel hole over there Andrew? That's our entrance" Explained Rupert.

But before they could enter the tunnel hole something really weird cross over & blocked the passage causing Rupert to hit the brakes so hard.

"Oh shoot!!!" Rupert shouted & hitting the brakes.

"What the heck are those things?" Andrew muttering to himself.

"I believe those are flying reindeers"

"It's the middle of May what are they doing here?" Asked Rupert.

"Better take a photo of it while it last"

After Andrew took a shot on the deer's, they finally flew away & when Andrew look at their shot Andrew felt a little creep out on what he saw. Their eyes glowing as they look unto the camera.

"Let me guess Uncle Thomas Area 51 is not an alien zone anymore isn't it?"

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"Let me guess Uncle Thomas Area 51 is not an alien zone anymore isn't it?"

"You're right". Thomas replied.

"Through the passing years this place became more weird & strange, we believed that rifts are beginning to open up causing unusual things like those reindeers to come out". Explained Rupert.

"You mean like portals?"


"Oh well there's no time to lose Rupert step on it" Thomas demanded on Rupert.

"M.E.O Here we go"

As they enter the tunnel hole, a secret hatch suddenly opens up beneath the road & it leads them to an underground road. After a few turns they've finally reach their destination. Andrew was amazed on what he saw, a real underground facility beneath one of the strangest place in the world "Area 51".

"I can't believe what I' am seeing right now, I thought M.E.O was just a place Dad made up when I was young"

"Believe it or not Andrew this place does exist" Thomas answered.

"Cool Military Fence, wait just a thought. What if a massive earthquake hits this place we could be buried alive?"

"Relax Andrew this place is constructed with the most sturdy & durable materials that you could rarely find in the world"

"They believed that in the early 1930's this place was once the habitat of the very first extra terrestrial beings that landed on earth" Rupert added.

"So you mean this place is like built by aliens?"

"Well there is evidence because of the remains they found before the M.E.O was established"

Once they pull off the car Andrew quickly got off to take a picture of M.E.O.

"So this is M.E.O? This is the place where you spent the last 30 years?"

"That's right!" Said Rupert proudly "And this is where you will be spending the next 3 months"

"Ready to come inside Andrew?" Thomas asked.

"Yes Uncle Thomas"

First the inside of the place looks like an agency office where people are walking & working on several files & here Thomas & Rupert toured Andrew around the M.E.O.

"Welcome to M.E.O Andrew for the next 3 months you will go under training & brief knowledge discussion all that needs to know about this place & there will be people who will help you" Explained Thomas.

"Hi there Professor Thomas!!!" Yelled a guy in a group coming towards them.


"Hey professor, sup Inspector Rupert. So where you guys had been?"

"We just left to come & visit my younger brother & pick up his son. Everyone I want you all to meet my nephew Andrew Olderson"

"Hey there Andrew, the names Shawn Nickson"

"Nice to meet you Shawn"

"Hi I am Sofie"

"You can call me Natalie" Said the other girl.

"By the way my name is Jed, pleasure to meet you"

Once Andrew held Jed's hands to shake, he felt something that shocked his head.

"Awww my head!!!" Andrew yelled holding his head.

"What happened Andrew are you okay?" Asked Rupert.

"Yeah I am fine something just hit my head"

"My apologies Andrew what you felt must had to do with my abilities. You see I am a psychic, I can read people & things by just touching them"

"Really Jed???"

"Yeah & I saw something really interesting when we shook hands. Something in your life is about to reveal itself very soon....."

"Okaaaaay" Said Andrew awkwardly. "So the four of you work here???"

"No but we are part of M.E.O" Shawn replied.

"We're from Section B of M.E.O we handle paranormal cases" Sofie added.

"Well I am just new here"

"Don't worry Andrew I am sure you'll adjust here very fine" Shawn comforted.

"I hope so"

"Well I guess will be going now Professor Thomas & Inspector Rupert see you soon"

"See you soon too Shawn"

"Who are those guys Uncle Rupert?"

"The four of them are Section B's top agent. They had been solving some tough paranormal cases for the past few months"

"I want to be like them! I think they're cool..."

"You can do better Andrew"

"Really Uncle Thomas?"

"Of course you can, now let's precede"

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