Chapter 24 (A Fallen Kingdom)

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A long time ago in Atticus before the kingdom of Clairesias was established, there was a former kingdom who ruled the east side & it was the kingdom of Jewel. It was ruled by sorcerers who use the power of their minds to influence others & capable of reading people's feelings. But one day that kingdom disappeared due to an unexplained event.

On a young age Jewel was bound to their tradition obeying everything what her parents told her to do, she was a princess whose freedom has limits. During the time of her loneliness & isolation she went to their castle's shrine & wish upon the altar of the star bird; a magical creature capable of granting anyone's deepest desire but only to those who are pure & sincere at hearts.

So she wished;

"Star Bird if you can hear me please give me something to change my life. I don't want to be a prisoner on this kingdom, I want to be free & make my own decisions. A princess who my parents can be proud of by just being me...Please Star bird help me..."

The moment she shed a tear the altar of the Star Bird light up & from above the Star Bird itself descended with colorful feathers shining like the rainbow looking down at Jewel with grace & compassion.

"It is I the Star Bird & I've heard your call" The creature spoke. "Do you want to have a chance in changing your life?" It asked.

"You heard my wish!" Jewel said in joy. "Yes I want to can you help me?"

"I can but you have to promise you will use this gift that I will give to you wisely. Once you receive it there is a test accompanied with it"

"Alright then I'll take it" Jewel accepted.

"Then take this three wishes" Dropping three colorful feathers from its tail.

"What are these feathers for?"

"Those are my wishing quills. Each one is capable & powerful enough to grant one wish but there are limits in making one"

"What do you mean?"

"There are three rules you must not break: number one you can't bring someone back from the dead, number two you can't control someone else's feeling or dictate it & number three you can't change the past"

"What happens if I broke all three?"

"If you intend to break them all there is a price you'll have to pay & a big punishment you have to face. I am hoping you will use my quills wisely & carefully if you're going to change your life. Good luck to you Jewel"

After encountering the Star Bird, Jewel hid the wishing quills & waited for the right time to use it. On her 18th birthday she was engaged to marry the prince of Lumistine but she refuse to which provoke her to use her first wish. Jewel knew the risk but she didn't want to marry a man she doesn't love so she made a wish. With the red quill in her hand she wished that the engagement will be cancel & the feelings of the prince of Lumistine have for her will disappear but something happened instead. The Prince became obsessed with her until that obsession turn into something disturbing making the prince completely insane.

The king of Lumistine suspected Jewel used her mind control magic; a magic that is forbidden to use by her people. With the wrong accusation the king of Lumistine avenged his son by putting a dark a spell on Jewel's parents causing them to die in illness. With the lost of her parents Jewel was force again to use her second wish, by the power of the green quill she wished to revive her father & mother from the grave & this is where things got more worst. Like the first wish this one also had a price to pay, when her parents return they were not what they seem to be for they became mindless undead with the crave of human flesh. The whole kingdom went in horrors as the king & queen spread their infection throughout the kingdom turning anyone they bite into one of them. Jewel was horrified on what she did realizing that the price of breaking the rules can end like this, her kingdom now in disaster.

In desperation to undo everything she did Jewel once again used the final wishing yellow quill to reverse time & all the wishes she made & as the final feather disappeared the Star Bird showed itself to her in rage this time.

"ENOUGH!!!!!" It yelled at her. "You have cross the line far enough Jewel & look what you have done!!!!"

"No wait you don't understand I can explain"

"I've seen everything, you've used my powers for your selfish needs & you manage to break all three rules!!!"

"I am sorry please forgive me"

"I warned you about the consequences but you didn't listen! I trusted you with my powers but you failed me!!!"

"Please give me another chance!!!" Jewel begged.

"Because of your selfish desire I hereby punish you to become a genie, where you will spend the rest of your life granting other being's desire"

By the Star Bird's power Jewel was cursed to be a genie wearing the golden bracelets the Star Bird placed on her wrists & she has been sealed inside a bottle where it has been dispose away far from the kingdom. As for the kingdom & the people in it the Star Bird brought it down crumbling into ashes & dusts making sure the whole place will be forgotten by the other kingdoms. A few years past & from the deserts of the east side of Atticus came the clairvoyants who have already seen the fall of Jewel's kingdom. In that emptied land they build up their own kingdom with the symbol of an enlighten eyes & called it Clairesias.

Back at Bayview Harbor a week after Andrew & the others had been declared as the new protectors, the town wasn't aware that the peace they were having is about to be disturb when a black hole open up from the town's entrance. From inside it a golden dust came out & in a few moments Jewel the genie stepped out from the black hole with a devious look on her face & the gem on her forehead glowing brightly as ever.

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