Chapter 30 (A Mermaid Tale Old As Time)

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You probably heard or read a lot of stories about mermaids & have all the same classical ending. But for Eulisha there's much more to her story that you could imagine. The story takes place back in Atticus 50 years ago before she became a member of the quartet. As a young mermaid Eulisha grew up in a kingdom called Oceantis, a paradise where sirens & mermaids like her reside & is hidden beyond the surface of Atticus.

Among the siblings Eulisha was the youngest next to her older sister Coralina & also a daughter of the supreme leader Prima. As she grows up she is taught to defend her kingdom's treasured coral gems from sea explorers & poachers who dared to venture & find their location. Until one day when she journeys near the land of Atticus she was amaze by the living of the people there & addition to that she fell in love with a young sea traveler named Rod who she saw near the docks. With her ambition to become like one of them Eulisha dreamed to have her own legs so that she can join & meet Rod. Eulisha knew that there's a way to have her own legs which is through the power of her mother Prima but still it is strictly forbidden for them to make any contact from beings that is not like them.

But all of her problems had been answered on this one fateful day. Outside of Oceantis where she is sitting in a nearby shore, Eulisha found a drifting bottle towards her & grabbed it. The bottle glowed & on her curiosity she opened it & released the genie who is Jewel.

"Why hello there my name is Jewel & I am here to grant your wishes" She greeted.

"What are you & how do you even get inside that bottle?" Eulisha ask surprised.

"For your own knowledge I am a genie. I grant what creatures like you wants. Your heart's deepest desire perhaps"

"You do, really???"

"Of course I've been doing this thing for at least 250 years I guess? Since you're the latest that found my bottle & release me I am giving you three wishes"

"So you mean you're old now & you're granting wishes as long as you can remember?"

"That's right, I grant people's desires in different lands to whoever finds my bottle & once I gave them their satisfaction I return to my bottle & be relocated to another place just like what is happening now" Jewel sighed.

"I can see that you are not happy on what you are doing. Are you already born to be a genie or just been created?" Eulisha interviewed.

"To tell you the truth I am once a princess of a kingdom called Myachos. All of that is happening to me is because of the wishes I made. A powerful creature cursed me to be like this & bound me to grant endless desires over & over & it is a very dreadful experience to me to see individual beings show off their selfishness & lust over power & riches....." Jewel explained in a broken feeling.

"That's horrible!" Eulisha bawled. "Can I help you out of this curse???"

"I am afraid there's nothing you can do for me. I suggest you just go on with your wish" Jewel lamented.

"Wait I think I know how to free you" Eulisha beamed. "I shall use my wish to dismiss you from being a genie"

"You can't do that. You can't use your wish to free me from being a genie" Jewel objected.

"Maybe, but I can free you from returning to that bottle once I made all my three wishes"

"You're willing to do that just to help me?"

"Of course so in that way you won't have to go to another place. You can even go back to your kingdom if you want to. But first you have to help me"

"Sure what is it that you want?" Jewel asked.

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