Chapter 46 (Then There Were Four)

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Soon after they heard Caleb's report Andrew's team rushed through town with no idea of what would happen now that Grayson has arrived. After the whirlwind brought him down Grayson observed his surroundings & felt thrilled to see the dome he placed on town still standing.

"Finally free at last, well that took me a while to get out" He said to himself.

"Grayson!!!!" Andrew screamed as they came at the streets.

"Well if it isn't the welcoming committee" Grayson smiled teasingly. "Long time no see Andrew how are you doing right now?"

"Surrender now Grayson we got you outnumbered" Andrew ordered. We've already defeated most of your allies & you wouldn't want to end up like them" He intimidated.

"Was that a threat?" Grayson laughed. "If I can remember you & your so called team didn't stand a chance on the four of us"

"Yeah then why it took you so long to get rid of us six weak individuals if you called your selves most powerful & feared dark sorcerers of all time?" Andrew answered back. "This time we're much stronger now than you think & you can't just take us that easily I assure you"

"Really??? It's a shame my loser friends lose to you wannabe heroes & if that's one thing you like to brag about then I am shook. But don't worry they'll be back & I guarantee you that, once I regain my wings back you will all quiver on what will I do to this pitiful town especially to you Andrew & those descendants of Leon Crimson" He pointed.

"Enough talk!!!!" Clark burst. Are you going to fight us or just going to stand there yapping all day!"

"There's no need for that Clarkson especially when you know what the result will turn out" Grayson respond to his challenge. "Right now I'll just leave you all for a while & let the company that I will send deal with you nuisance... Ta-ta for now" Disappearing in his dark blue smoke.

Inside the towns' woods Grayson came to launch his attack. Using his spell, the words coming out from his mouth became a smoke that spread through the whole woods persuading the animals to do his commands.

 Using his spell, the words coming out from his mouth became a smoke that spread through the whole woods persuading the animals to do his commands

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"Fellow winged friends here my call, listen very carefully to what I'll say. I want you all to go outside from this forest & head to that town where you will cause chaos & fear to everyone who lives there now!!!"

The spell Grayson cast began to affect the birds resting on the trees like swallows, robins & even sleeping bats making them go crazy & screech on confusion. Back at town the protectors saw the huge flock of birds storming the sky & coming towards them. What happened next was like a scene from the movie The Birds where the fowl feathered creatures began pecking & scratching people in every part of town using their beaks & sharp talons.

"What's happening why are the birds acting so wild & crazy?" Lauren asked.

"They're confused & disturbed! Someone must've put a spell on them, even bats who are supposed to be asleep at this day time are going cuckoo & you know who's the reason behind all this" Clark analyzed.

Spellbinding Cases Of Andrew OldersonWhere stories live. Discover now