Chapter 5 (Meet The Crimsons)

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It was 9:00 o' clock in the evening & Andrew was almost done unpacking his stuff when Lauren came knocking in at his room.

"Hey Lauren are you done with your stuff?"

"Yeah....I just need to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Did you already see what's going to happen in this town?"

"No I didn't have any visions yet. Didn't I told you, only in my dreams I can see what's about to happen. But I think I found this family I am looking for"

"You mean the Crimsons???"


"The old man said earlier that they migrated to another country"

"And the old man also said that those are rumors created by the town's people. Besides there's something else about that house that I sensed..."

"Like what Olderson?"

"I felt that inside of it there's another world waiting to be open"

"So what's your plan?"

"Tomorrow I'll go back in that house to see if I am right"

"Hey how about me?!? We're supposed to be a team remember?!!!?

"I know but I am not sure if I can take you with me once I entered a realm"

"You mean you can't take anyone with you when passing through other worlds?"

"I am not quite sure yet, but I don't want to take risks especially with you" Andrew said with a blush.

"I understand....Guess I'll be in this house tomorrow"

"No you won't. Tomorrow the two of us will investigate this town, try to look for weird activities while I still go into the Crimson house"

"You're really into that house aren't you? Now everything is settled I'll be back at my room. Goodnight Olderson"

"Goodnight Lauren" He replied with a smile.

As Lauren left the room Andrew pulled out the journal that his parents gave to him & started to write the details on their first day at Bayview Harbor. The following day the weather was still dark & gloomy as they came in yesterday so Andrew put on his green collar shirt & black hooded jacket to accompany the cold weather so is Lauren with her sky blue blouse, jeans & leather jacket. Together the two split up across the streets of crescent moon. Lauren try to keep it cool while looking for some interesting stuff & Andrew directly preceded at the Crimson house, there he saw two teenage boys with their bikes smoking in front of the house.

"Hey dude" Greeted the first guy.

"Sup" Andrew replied.

"You look new here?" Asked the second guy.

"Yeah, just strolling around the neighborhood"

"Well then, I suggest don't go in that house"

"Why not?"

"Because that house is wicked haunted dude" Replied the first guy. "You see dude my buddy & I tried to trash that house one night, you know just for fun. But once we went inside crazy stuff happen"

"Oh yeah like what?"

"Well there is this black cat that always wanders off around the house every night & when we came in it went insanely cold but there isn't any air-condition. Then all of a sudden our shadows started to come alive & they went crazy on both of us throwing anything they could find so we scram & promise never to come back in that wicked house"

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