Chapter 23 (Rise of The New Protectors)

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To save the town & protect it from the dark sorcerer's impending return for the final time Andrew & Lauren head back to the Crimsons to team up once again but he is not sure if they are ready to see him again so he just gather up all of the guts to show his face to them.

When they came in Mrs. Caroline welcome them giving Andrew a big hug.

"Andrew I am so glad you are alright" Said Mrs. Caroline.

"Me too & I am sorry for what happened to Mr. Oliver"

"It's not your fault Andrew"

"Mrs. Caroline the town isn't safe yet, all of us aren't. Grayson & the others, they will be returning soon & we need to prepare"

"I know that's why we need to get stronger. All of you"

From upstairs Melissa & Maddie came down with excitement to see Andrew once again.

"Andrew you're here now!" Mel hugged.

"Mel Maddie you are all okay!" He smiled. "I am sorry but now isn't the right time to celebrate. Bayview Harbor has been taken control by Grayson with his curse & all of us are his prisoners. Anytime soon he & his companions will be back to finish what they started"

"What are you suggesting that we should do?" Maddie asked.

"To be honest with you I got nothing....I don't know where to start. After what happened to your father I feel that I lost the courage to fight again but I am trying to stay strong"

"OLDERSON!!!!!!!!" A scream interrupted & came Clarkson who is in rage. "You should never came back here!!!" Tackling Andrew that causes them to fight on the floor.

Melissa tried to stop Clark but he was to furious to be handle punching Andrew in the face but Andrew rolled & turn their positions around hitting Clarkson back in his face until Mrs. Caroline was force to use her magic & suspend their movements.

"Both of you stop!" Separating the two of them & undoing her spell.

"You got some nerve coming back here after what you did!" Clarkson pointed on Andrew.

"Enough Clarkson!" Mrs. Caroline ceased. "Fighting & blaming Mr. Olderson will not bring your father back! I suggest that we move on & focus on things that is about to come"

"But mother it's because of him we lost father! How could you take that lightly?!?" He cried.

"Yes it's my fault!!! It's my fault we lost Mr. Oliver & I regret that! Andrew screamed. "Your mother's right Clarkson, blaming me & beating me won't bring your father back"

"So what you want us to do? Forgive you that easily???"

"I am not asking for your forgiveness. I want you to give me another chance to make everything right, to make up for what I did. Listen to me, we all know the quartet is not done with us & they will finish us. I want to avenge Mr. Oliver for what they did but I can't do this alone that's why I need your help"

"You want us to help you again?" Clark laughed. "If I could remember the last time I helped you, we got into a complicated situation because our family wand didn't respond to your call. Not to mention we almost got roast by a giant vicious dragon. You witnessed what those dark ones did to us; we merely made it alive out there if it wouldn't be to my father, now you listen to me Olderson..... Unless you have a better plan in beating Grayson permanently you can't have my help, even my sisters'...."

"But Clarkson you can't tell us what to do!" Mel protested.

"That's final Melissa & you will listen to me same goes to you Madison. I've already lost a father & I don't want to lose a sister this time"

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