Chapter 45 (The Most Cunning of Them All)

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Everyone was intrigued on what could've been stolen so Clark showed them the opened case of the shelf drawer containing the spell books of the four kingdoms.

"Look at the shelf Andrew, someone touched it & took one of the books" Said Clark.

"Which one?" He asked.

"I think it's the spell book of Lumistine" He checked back.

"Who would do such a thing & why would he or she takes only one if you can grab them all?" Lauren questioned.

"Big question is how did the thief opened the drawer when my father put a protection spell on it...Unless he has magic like us"

"My goodness what's the commotion going on around here?" Mrs. Caroline entered the room.

"We've been robbed mother; someone took the spell book of Lumistine"

"Oh dear! How did this happened Clarkson?"

"I don't know mother when I enter the room the presence of father's magic disappeared so that's why I quickly went to the books" Clark explained.

"Something strange is definitely going on around here. First Jed is missing now this?!?" Andrew began to be more suspicious.

"Could it be that this is the doing of Grayson? Did he already escape the void father sent him to?" Melissa worried.

"Now why would Grayson take the spell book of Lumistine?" Clark objected.

"You know Grayson, his unpredictable & cunning as well that's why we need to be ready on what he is plotting against us" Andrew agreed on Melissa's theory.

"Is everything alright here everyone?" Verdana walked in.

"Madame Verdana you're here!" Mrs. Caroline bowed.

"Caroline dear I am so glad to see you again" She embraced. "I've heard what happened to Oliver & I am here for you dear"

"Thank you Madame Verdana"

"Grandma we have a problem, someone stole the spell book of Lumistine & one of our friends is missing since we left the town"

"Do you have any idea on who might be the culprit?"

"We have a hunch that Grayson could be all behind this. He's the only one left of the quartet that we haven't face yet"

"My advice to you & your friends is that you all be careful & alert once your enemy arrives, Grayson is a formidable opponent & likes to toy his victims" Verdana warned to them.

"We will Ms. Verdana" Melissa heeded.

"I guess I'll be heading back to Solaios now Andrew, your Uncle & I already sort things out & amended the things that got misunderstood"

"That's great Grandma but do you have to go now?"

"Don't worry Andrew if you need help you know where to find me. Right now Cindra & the girls need help rebuilding the structures Pyrone & his family destroyed. Now you'll take care of your brother & uncle also yourself too while I am away okay?"

"Yes Grandma" Giving her one last hug.

The following day the protectors became more aware on their surroundings & observant to whomever they come contact with. Andrew with Lauren at his side went on a search for Jed but every place they went to there was no sign of him. Rupert tried his luck by contacting Shawn & the rest of his team with the hopes he might have return to them, but still there was no Jed that came back at their area so it became a mystery to them on what could've happened to him. Madison tried tracking him down with her cards but the places they point out only leads Andrew to empty areas of the town.

A month have past & Jed hasn't showed himself neither is Grayson who the protectors believes is now on the loose preparing his grand entrance & revenge over them. Holiday season has arrived & Andrew couldn't help the feeling of being home sick away from his parents especially now that Christmas is coming to town.

"Now this is sad, I am starting to miss Mom & Dad" He sighed while drinking a mug of hot coco at the kitchen. "This is the first time I'll be away from them this coming Christmas & I just hope they're both doing fine without me"

"Hey cheer up Andrew, Lauren & me are here to celebrate the holidays with you. Don't forget your brother is also here so there's no reason to be home sick right now" Rupert comforted.

"Chief is right Andrew & I know just the thing to relieve that blues. Some bands are performing at the amusement park tonight & I suggest we go there together with the Crimsons, Caleb, Tristan & your Uncle. How's that sound?" Lauren proposed.

"Well we could go for it, but I am still worried about Jed it's been a month since he went missing & we still can't find him"

"I know & I am worried too. Let's just hope Jed is still alive" She exhaled.

That night Andrew & his team went to the amusement park as planned & all of them started to have a great time with no interference of any paranormal activity or evil spirits. Weather is now chilly & the Christmas lights are now in place, all of them began to dance as the band played their music & the crowd singing along to the song.

The night went on & as they departed ways back to their homes, Maddie noticed a white owl staring at her at the top of their fountain focusing its sight at the three of them while going back inside the house. When she turned around to tell Clark & Mel the owl immediately flew away & headed to Andrew's place. While lying on his bed & thinking deeply inside his mind Andrew heard a flapping of wings & a hooting sound outside his window so he followed it leading him outside the balcony where he sees the owl sitting at the railing looking at him. Suddenly the owl began to speak through his mind like the trio of the Aviary does saying:

"HE'S COMING THE LOST ANGEL PREPARE YOUR SELVES ANDREW" It said as it flew away again leaving Andrew stunned & confused.

The next day at the break of dawn Andrew & Lauren headed to the Crimsons' house to inform them about his encounter with the white owl & its warning. A strong gust of wind blew outside & darkening of clouds followed it giving each of them a bad feeling. Then a call from Caleb came who is in the back of the station telling that a black hole just opened up from the sky releasing a whirlwind that came down at the center of town causing innocent bystanders to run & panic in terror.

 Then a call from Caleb came who is in the back of the station telling that a black hole just opened up from the sky releasing a whirlwind that came down at the center of town causing innocent bystanders to run & panic in terror

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From that spinning whirlwind appeared the most anticipated villain & enemy of the protectors who have ever lived none other than Grayson, ready to take his chance at revenge for one last time.

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