Chapter 48

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Hiiiiii c:

Long time no see :(

<this chapter is dedicated to @Hayleygrier16 because she wanted me to update for the longest! Hope you're happy >

Bye monsters Xx



Sorry it's short >•<


It's been a long day! I caught up with my mother, and Dan should be here any minute. Sure it's weird I mean, this happened. I haven't seen my mom since Ian and me ran away to Texas cause we were "in love" . Ha, in love.

Well it's almost nine (9 p.m) and we (mom & myself) , are watching The Fault In Our Stars. It's so sad. Ugh.

*knock knock*

"I'll get it Kate" my mom says as she gets up from the couch.

I hear small chit chat, then I see Dan.

I rush to him and give him a big hug. I missed him so much- even though it's been a day- still.

"Hey love" he says next to my ear, I smile and kiss him for a little while before my mom says- "okay stop the PDA" .

Thanks mom, thanks.

"So what time do you want to get going? Or do you want to stay here longer?" Dan ask.

I stare at my mom and she nods, looking at Dan.

"I'll get going now, it's pretty late." I say. I pull away from Dan and grab my mom, taking her to the kitchen.

"Mom I just want to let you know- I'll be visiting a lot, and so will your grandchild! Haha, I love you." I say and give her a tight hug. "I love you to Katelyn and I can't wait for the little one to come into this world! You better call." She says and smiles.

"Bye mom! See you soon!" I say and walk back to Dan and see him smiling.

"Bye Kate! Later on we have to talk Daniel!" My mom jokes and hugs Dan. "Yes we will Mrs.Martinez. Good bye." Dan says.

We leave the house and I stop Dan outside.

"I have something to tell you." I say and smile. "What is it ?" He says and moves in front of me. "Okay well... Dan- um, you're going to be a dad." I say and look down then back at him. His smile grows so widely. "Kate are you serious! I'm going to be a dad! And it's our child! Oh my fuc- this is amazing!" He says and hugs me tight. "Ah! I love you!" He says and kisses me many times. "And I love you Dan." I say and smile. He ask "how many months?" Then I think about it it's been about a month. "I would say a month- so eight more to go then you'll be able to meet your son/daughter!" I smile and he does also.

"This is amazing." He says and we walk to the car.

"After everything we've been through- all the bullshit from Ian, all the drama from everything- this is by far the best thing ever, well besides meeting you." Dan says and smiles while starting up the car. "Aw Dan. You're amazing. You stuck by my side through everything- and I'm grateful to have you- and I'm thankful I fell in love with someone who's as amazing as you." I say.

Oh this day is just great. Well- for now.

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