Chapter 29

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Remember it's still Saturday.


*~piano plays.~

People say we shouldn't be together, to young to know about forever.

But I say they don't know what there tal- tal-tal-talking about.

~tal-tal-talking about~

Cause' this love is only getting in stronger so I don't want to wait any longer.

I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl.


They don't know about the things we do, they do-*

I quickly open my eyes and turn off my alarm.

The dream seemed so real.

Maybe I shouldn't have left him, after all he was my first.... Everything.

He was my real first boyfriend {I sound lame} , I shared my first kiss with him, I did my first, everything okay.

But when he hit me, everything seemed like a mistake.

Then I met Dan, and he was similar to me.

Sure I don't know him that well, but I know him enough to know he won't hit me.

Well, I mean Ian started the same way, sweet at first, then went violent.

I don't know weather to trust Dan now or wait to see.

Well I have this "date" so I better get ready!

I had a four hour nap. Shit I sleep a lot.

Well it's only one fifty. (1:50)

I guess I better start getting ready?

Yeah, he did say 'tonight' and I have no fucking idea what time that is!

~•~After shower~•~

I rap the towel around me and rap another around my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom {it's connected to the room}, and walk directly to my closet.

Damn I need better clothes.

All I have is jeans, Graphic tees, and lots of converse/ vans.

"SELENA!" I yell and she burst through the door.

"I knew you would need me." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I just need help picking a nice outfit." I tell her.

She goes over to my closet and digs through everything!

"This. Maybe with this. Um not this. Oh! These!"

She pulled out an entire outfit for me that fast!

Selena picked out my Ed Sheeran top, and pair of black skinnies, and a normal pair of chucks (converse).

"Well for now, here's your outfit!"

"Thank you!" I say and hug her tightly.

"Welcome! But we need to go shopping soon! Well first me and you need a job. Anthony can't work forever!" She says and laughs.

"Right! Okay well I'm going to get dressed! Tell me if Dan calls okay?" I tell her and she nodes.

"Okay have fun getting ready." She smiles and leaves the room.

~•~ After I Got Ready~•~

I'm all set!

I put on my outfit, did simple make-up. (mascara, a cat eye & some lip-gloss)

My hairs down, but a bit teased.

I think I look ready?

I don't know bro, I don't know.

I just lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

Well that's until I heard;

"DAN WILL BE HERE IN ABOUT TEN MINUTES KATE!" Selena yells and I hop off the bed.


"Uh- OKAY!" I yell back.

I walk to the living room and see Selena on the couch.

(Anthony had went off to work~ he works as a video editor)

I sit down next to her and watch tv.

"Do you know where Ian went? Or did he just leave again?" She ask.

"I think he just left again, like always."

"Ah, okay! Well you look nice." She smiled and punched my arm playfully.

"Well thanks to you! But what if Ian co-" I was cut off by the sound of a knock.


"Coming!" I yelled.

I walked up to the door and see Dan through the peep-hole.

I opened the door and smile at him as he gives me a rose.

"Aw thank you." I say and pull him into a hug.

"Your welcome! So are you ready or?" He ask and pulls away.

"Um yeah! Selena I'll be back in a bit!" I yell and she walks up to is.

What the fuck is she going to do?!

"Wait can I talk to Dan very fast?" She ask and stares at me.

"Yeah you can." Dan says and Selena pulls Dan into there room.

I just stand by the door because I have no clue what to do. Wait! I can put the rose away, very fast!

I walk over to my room and quickly lay it on the bed then exit my room

I walk back and I see them walking out of the room. Dan looks happy and Selena does to, should I worry? Na.

"Okay I'm ready." I say and he smiles.

"Alright, were off!" Dan tells Selena and he closes the door.

"So, where are we going?" I ask as we walk down the hall.

"Oh, um it's a surprise!" Dan says and we enter the elevator.

"Oh okay!" A say and we interlock our hands.

We were almost on the last floor till the elevator door opened.

It opened revealing two men, they both look very tough!

They walk in and press a button that makes the elevator stop!

"Um I think you stopped it." Dan tells the men and they stare at us.

"I know." One of them says.

One of the guys has blue eyes an the other has green. They just stare at us as there backs are turned to the elevator doors.

"Well, can you please move so we can leave?" I ask and they give me a death stare.

"No." Green eyes says in a deep voice.

"Why the hell not?" I yell.

"We were hired to do something, so we need to do it now." Blue eyes says and pulls out a rag.

I'm scared now like what the fuck?! I just wanted to go on a simple date?!

"Do what?" Dan ask and both of them pull out the rags and walk closer to us.

I smell something weird?

I try bending down, but they grabbed me and Dan and put something over our mouths!

I tried yelling but they came out as muffles, and Dan was passed out already.

"DAN!" I yell but my eye lids get heavier and heavier.

"Shh." He says and I slowly fade to sleep.

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