Chapter 31

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At of all people I should have know it was him.


I scoot closer to Dan and I stare at Ian.

"Ian?" I ask him, but all he does is stare at me.

He turns around quickly and whispers something to the two men.

We can't talk because he's right in front of us.

"Alright." Blue eyes says and smiles.

"Ready?" Ian smirks and points to Dan.

Dan's eyes go wide and he try's to get up, but it's hard considering he has rope on!

Once he's up he looks down at me and mouths 'I love you'.

I smile and was about to say it to, but the guy pulls Dan by the arm and take him away.

I don't want to cry- because all I do is cry.

But I feel my eyes get watery.


Both guys gone, and Ian sits next to me.


He slips an arm around me and pulls me closer.

"Don't cry Kate things ar-"

"Ian shut the fuck up! Where's Dan?!"

I tell him anger filling me.

'A simple date' my ass.

"He'll be okay. He's with an old friend."

Ian says and stares at me.

"Ian let us out of here. Now!"

"Can't do that baby."

"Why the fuck not?"

"You left me for him."

"Ian I left my fucking family for you. I don't even have contact with my mom, dad or brother anymore because of you. So you better leave us the fuck alone!" I yell and try to scoot away.

"I didn't tell you to leave your family." He mummers.

"Oh really! Ian you told me I had to leave them cause' you said I would be happier with you! When in reality you treated me like shit! So leave us ALONE!" I yell at him.

All I want is Dan.

To be normal for once.

"You know what." Ian says and stands up.


He slaps my right cheek and it burns!

"I-Ian." I say and stare into his anger filled eyes.

"Shut up! You wanna see Dan! Well come here bitch!" He yells and pulls me up by the ropes.

He takes me across the hall to see Dan with his 'ex' girlfriend.

He drops me on the floor, just laying there watching Dan get hurt,

She's hurting him, with every fucking thing in that room.

"DAN!" I yell and his head turns to face me, he's so hurt.


His ex gets her hand and socks (punches) his cheek.

"DONT TALK TO MY DAN!" She yelled at me.

What the fuck?

Crazy ass bitch.

"Ian tell her to stop!" I whimper as I see Dan getting hit by this woman.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p' noise, while smirking at the lady.

"But she's hurting him badly, I-Ian ease make her s-stop!" I yell/cry to him.

"I said no! He deserves it!" He yells at me and pulls me up again by the ropes.

"He didn't do anything! You don't even know him that well." I whisper.

"He took you away from me!" He yells and sits me back in that room.

"Ian don't you dare say that! Dan had nothing to do with this! I just wanted a break from your abuse and then I meet Dan, I didn't want him to know you be-" I was cut off by him walking closer to me.

Too close.

"You want me to make this all stop?" He ask.

"Ian please don't do anything - I-Ian!"

I yell, god my stomach hurts!

It feels like I'm going to through up.

"What?" He yells and his eyes go wide, he notices me needing help.

"M-my stomach! Ian I need to l-leave!" I yell, it burns!


Ian starts to stutter and look around, walking back and forth.

The two guys walk in the room and Ian tells them "get Dan out of there and put him here."

Good! Maybe Dan can go?!


They node and leave.

Ian gets me up and I cringe at the pain.

"F-fuck!" I whisper while Ian is trying to remove the ropes.

The two men come in the room dragging Dan, he looks so broken.

With the ropes off of me, I walk towards Dan.

The men left and Ian stayed in place.

I grab the bottom of my stomach and kneel down next to Dan.

With my other hand I slowly slide it down his cheek.

"Kate let's, um, go to the doctors very fast." Ian says and scratches the back of his head.

"Wh-what about Dan." I whisper.

"What about him?"

"Can he come with us? I mean he's hurt worst than me." I say and rub my hand on his chest.

"No, what will people say if they see him in that condition?" He stares at Dan.

"But Ian y- FUCK IAN JUST TAKE HIM! MY STOMACH IS BURNING!" I yell, I mean my stomach is hurting I don't have time for this!

"Fin, but he has to say he got beat up be-"

"OKAY LETS JUST GO!" I yell and stand up, grabbing my stomach.

Dan slowly stands up and we both follow Ian out.

When we get out the building, I look up and it looks like it's one in the god damn morning (1 a.m). "Get in." Ian says and unlocks his car.

Dan is in the back, me in the passenger seat, while Ian drives.

How can we be crazy violent one moment, and next were all calm driving to a hospital?

Cause' were crazy.

I think were in the middle of nowhere.

Time to go to the hospital and see what the fuck is wrong with me.

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