Chapter 24

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Once feel someone tap my shoulder I open my eyes as widely as I can, and turn around.
I can't believe what I see, standing right in front of me was Ian.
I quickly move away from Dan and stand up.
I get Ian by the arms and pull him to the living room.
There are so many things I can say!
1. I thought he died?
2.How did he get into Dan's house again!?
3.Am I dreaming -
The first thing I can say to him is "Ian you're alive?" He nods.
"Ho-wha-Ian." I'm at a lost for words, so I just pull him into a hug.
"Ian we all thought you passed. But the let-"
"My mom did all this, I was still in the hospital when she called Selena, then wrote the notes."He says and we both sit on the couch.
"How did she know about all that stuff we did?"
She can't possibly know about what me and Ian did.
"To be honest I have no idea. I never told her anything, I swear! I'm so sorry!"
"Don't be sorry, this wasn't your fault. Does your mom know were you are?"
"No, no she doesn't. I don't want a connection with her, so if you see her don't tell her I'm here."
"Alright. Do you want to stay with Selena? I really don't sleep there. so yeah?" I ask him, nudging his arm, he just laughs.
"Well I'll ask, I can't go back to my room. So should I tell Selena and Anthony I'm okay?"
"Na shit! We were all crying, and let's just say, we were not ok an hour ago."
"Well sorry again! Let's go tell them."
When we get to their apartment Ian already knows how to open the door.
Well I mean duh, he can open every door!
We get into there room and see them sleeping so peacefully, tissues by the bed all crumbled up.
"Sel, Sel, Sel." I whisper to her and shake her a bit.
"Hmm? Kate what are you do- IAN!" She yells and jumps out of bed and hugs him. I turn and see Anthony sit up straight rubbing his eyes.
"Dude you're really here." Anthony says and hugs him also.
"Yeah I'm here." Ian says and they all stop the 'hugging festival'.
"Come to the living room now! We all need to talk!" Selena yells and we all head to the living room.
We all take a seat, me and Ian on the couch across from Selena and Anthony.
"Ian I'm so glad you're alive! I mean we all couldn't bare the thought of losing you. You may have been an ass sometimes, but you are a very close friend of ours." She says and smiles.
"Ian that was literary the first time I cried in a while, and you scared us all. Why did you do that? With all of the letters you wrote everyone of us." Anthony tells Ian.
"My mom did that! She wrote all the letters and planned everything! I had nothing to do with this shit. I didn't mean to scare anyone." Ian tells us.
I don't believe this. Should I?
"How did she know all that personal stuff then? I mean I never told anyone else half the stuff I told you." Anthony tells him, while Selena just stares at him.
"What do you mean? You trying to say I did this?" Ian says raising his voice.
"We're not saying you did. What we're trying to say is how did your mom know all this personal stuff?" I tell Ian and he stands up.
"Well maybe I was suppose to leave." He say and leaves, but as he turns around to shut the door he whispers "I should leave."
Then he slams the door.
"Ian no." I yell and stand up.
"Where are you going!" Selena yells.
"I need to find my friend." I say, then leave there apartment.
Yeah it might be late, but Ian is still my friend, and you can't leave a friend.

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