Chapter 11

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"Dan?" I whisper, and see him open his eyes.

"Hey, Kate. Are you okay?" He says in his raspy, sleepy voice.

"Am I okay?"Dan! I should be asking you that!" I tell him and giggle.

He just smiles and closes his eyes.

"Dan, I'm going to let you sleep, can I stay a bit longer?" I ask him, and he gives my hand a little squeeze.

"I want you to stay." He whispers.

"Can you, um lay with me?" Dan whispered as a blush creeped onto his face.

"Yes I can." I whisper back and smile.

Dan scoots over, and I get onto the bed as gently as possible, making sure not to mess up any wires or junk!

Dan puts an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I turn around so I'm now facing him, and I just cuddle up with him. Are legs get tangled up together, and it feels right.

I slowly fall asleep, and I'm pretty sure Dan was already asleep.

~•~After the nap~•~

"Kate?" I hear Dan whisper, I also feel someone messing with my hair? Yup someone's touching it..

"Hmm?" I say and look up, I see Dan look down at me.

We stayed like that for a long time, Dan was slowly leaning in and I was also.

We both stopped immediately, because the door slammed open.

I felt myself blush, and Dan just smiled at me.

"We can continue later." He whispered.

"Sorry to burst in! But nurse Caitlyn went home, so i'll be here! And Dan, how do you feel?" The nurse asked.

"I feel great actually." Dan says, while the nurse writes down stuff.

"Well if you get better hopefully you can go home tomorrow! And not in two days!" She says and smiles.

"Yey!" I say and smile.

That's great news!

"That's great! If I need any help, your name is?" Dan asked the women. She nodded and said, "Just press that butten over there, and call for 'nurse Jackie' " she says and smiles again.

"Okay." That's all Dan says.

"If you have any questions be free to ask anytime." She says, me and Dan don't say anything, so she leaves the room.

"That's great! You can 'maybe' go home tomorrow!" I tell him and smile.

"I know! But my side still hurts, not bad, but it feels weird." Dan says and looks at me.

"Don't worry it will get better." I tell him and stare back at him.

"Can we continue now?" He whispers and smirks; I feel myself blush and nod.

Dan slowly closes his eyes and I do the same.

Before I knew it I felt his lips on mine. It wasn't one of those kisses were you felt nothing, because I know I feel something. Considering I have known him for less then a day- i think the crush is real... Crazy. I don't believe in those 'he /she fell in love in a day'. No it's like - I like this dude. Makes sense ?
Dan slowly pulls away as do I.

"That was amazing, we should do that more often." He says and smirks.

I feel myself blush again!

"Yeah we should." I says and smile.

We just laid there together, the rest of the day talking about anything and everything!

I know more about him and I'm pretty sure he knows lots about me.

Dan even asked me out....

And I said yes!

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