Chapter 40

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Here is a chapter!



"Ian please, I need to get back to Selena-"

"That baby-" Ian froze then looked me dead in the eye.

"Our baby?" I whisper and raise an eyebrow.

What is he talking about?! All I know is I need to leave because I'm starting to feel claustrophobic!

"That's not my baby anymore!" He said with anger in his voice.

"Ian what the hell are you talking about? Of course this is your baby! I mean you helped make it!" I say and look down, not wanting to stare at him.

"I said- That. Is. Not. My. Child." He said while gritting his teeth.

"Ian say what ever you want to, but this is your child also." I whisper and rub my small stomach.

"That's not my child!" He yelled and punched my stomach!

Yes punch.

"Ow!" I yell and put my arms around my stomach trying to protect it. I start crying because the pain- plus the fact that my child will be hurt!

I can't have that! My baby.







"Stop!" I cried out.

The pain, it's unbearable! I look down at my jeans and see the blood.

"Ian why?" I say and crouch down.

I bend down and pull my knees up to my chest and start crying even more.

"I told you that is not mi-"

"Ian! Do you hear yourself?! This is your c-child! Weather you belive it or not you might of just killed your child! Why Ian w-why?!" I continue to cry until I turn towards the door and yell out "HELP!" hopping someone will hear.

"Well, now it's not a problem anymore." He kicked my stomach and ran out.

He closed the door and I can't stop crying! My baby might be dead, or have serious problems!

I pull out my phone and quickly, with my blurred vision, I dial Selena's number.

*ring ring *


Sel: Kate where are you?! You're takin' a while in the bathro-

Me: Selena I'm i-in the closet . I th-think Ian might have hurt my baby, pl-please come in the sup-ply closet. Hurry.

Sel: oh fuck! I'm running over now!

And with that she hung up.

My baby- the blood- the crying - Ian!

I'm confused and lost, I need to go to the doctor! That's first to check.

"Kate! Oh god that's a lot of blood. Fuck! " she says and helps me up.

But I can't - I physically can't get up from my position.

"I can't Sel it hurts t-to much." I whisper.

"I'm calling nine-one- one (911) Kate. Please I'm getting help," she looks at me with tears ready to escape her eyes.

She went outside the closet and she talked to someone.

"Help please." Was the last thing I said before I went to sleep...





That's all I hear.

"She's going to be fine." Someone said, I'm pretty sure it was Anthony though considering his voice.

"But when she f-finds out, Anthony. I c-can't even handle it, how will sh-she?" Selena cries.

Find out about what?

Where am I?

Should I open my eyes?!

I need to stop with the stupid questions.

I open my eyes slowly and then shut them since the light is very bright.

"What h-were am I?" I question but soon open my eyes and release I am at the hospital again.

"You're at the hospital k-Kate." Anthony whispers to me.

"Am I okay?" I ask and see them.

Anthony and Selena are sitting next to each other, and I turn to my right I see Dan.

"You are, but the baby-" Selena couldn't finish her sentence so she put her face into Anthony's shoulder.

"Dan? What hap-" I didn't finish either.

I looked down at my hands and saw an I.V cord connected to my arm, I turn over and look at my stomach. I touch it and feel the stitches.

"Why do I have these?" I look around and they all look away from me.

"Kate they needed to take the baby out. If they would have left it in you would of had a miscarriage. Or maybe it would of had problems later on- I'm so sorry." Selena said then whipped her tears away.

My baby is gone.

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