Chapter 34

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Hey monsters!

Was Ian's pov different??

Should I do more?

I don't know, but here is a chapter :)

I don't know if I can update next Sunday, I'm doing something....

But I'll try!


~Katelyn's P.O.V~

I just told Dan I love him, in front of Ian.

I don't feel scared anymore, I mean we are in a hospital right?

Does Dan even like me how I like him?

I mean look at what I did to him!

He probably had a normal life, but then when he meet me everything turned bad.

"What did you just say?" Ian stares at me anger filling his eyes.

"Did I stutter? No. You heard what I said."

I'm sassy, yes. Not my fault, maybe Dan doesn't like me though. Maybe he feels bad.

I mean I cheated on him! For fucks sake, and he still treats me well.

"I-I think I love you to Katelyn." Dan says and smiles.

He has a cast on one of his arms but his other arm is free.

We both just smile, and forget what happened less than one-day ago.

How we were put in a cellar, as I said before things change and happen fast.

"Do you mother fucke-"

Ian was cut off by someone opening the door.

No wait-more like slamming it open.

"Kate we barley found out what happened and- damn I'm out of breath." Selena says panting and Anthony is also.

"What happened to you guys?" Dan ask.

I was wondering the same thing?

"Well first the hospital called us and told me you were preggos! I was so happy I was gunna call everyone! But then I left my phone in the car. So when I ran out to the car. I find out about two minuets later Anthony went in my car! So I had to run all the way to his job! Then Anthony tells me he doesn't have the car it's at a tow shop for the rest of the day! So we both ran to the hospital- damn! NURSE I NEED WATER!" Selena yells.

"Long story short; don't let your friend take your car cause' you never know what's going to happen!" Anthony breathes out.

"Alright!" Dan laughs.

Ian just sits back in his chair and glares at all of us.

"You know what? Fuck this! Dan I'm going to fucking get you watch!" Ian yells, then storms out the hospital room.


"Well know we have a chair." Anthony laughs and sits in Ian's chair.

"Dan don't worry we'll protect you." Selena reassures him, Dan just nods and lays next to me.

"It feels like the time you were in the hospital." I whisper into Dan's chest and feel him laugh.

"Yeah." He says.

"Kate please, please call me if anything happens! I want to be here for you! In a best friend way, haha. I'm serious!" She says and stands up.

"Were you goin'" I ask her.

"Looking for damn bipolar Ian! We will be back though! Bye Kate and Dan!" Selena says as she walks out.

"Bye Katelyn, bye Dan. Please call us!" He says and leaves to.

"What are we doing with our life? Dan we live a crazy life. But it's our weird life." I say.

That made no sense.

"Kate we live both similar life's, so it's going to be even crazier!" He laughs a bit.



"Were you serious when you said you love me?" I whisper and look up to stare into his brown eyes.

"I was dead serious. Katelyn you're very special to me. Sure we don't know much about one another but there's time. And sure Ian's an ass but he'll get the point one day; that I want to be with you and protect you. Cause' after all this, I think I love you more."


"Dan that's so- so sweet." I whisper and he smiles.

I scoot up a bit considering we're on the bed, and kiss him.

Not some worthless one like with Ian, but one filled with love and passion.

Something meaningful.

Something beautiful.

We soon pull away and I rest my head on his shoulder. We watch the hospital tv, and spent the day talking/ getting to know each other more.

Turns out his ex and Ian used to date... Now I think there out for revenge.

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