Chapter 5

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As I'm leaving to go to the car, I feel strange.

"Katelyn! Can you at least bring this with you?" Ian says holding out a teddy bear.

"Um, okay?" I say.

It looks cute but weird?

Like when someone gives you a present and you don't know what to do with it, like should I keep it or not?

"Just, where ever you go make sure this is with you." He says. He hasn't been yelling much, no wonder his voice sounds 'sweet'.

"Um, thanks Ian. It will be with me!" I tell him. Then I give him a quick hug and whisper "good bye Ian."

"I will find you, my love." He whispers.

I quickly pull away and fast-walk to the car.

I'm in the back, Selena is in the passenger seat, and Anthony is driving.

"Yey! Finally we get to move! That house was getting boring anyways!" Selena yells and Anthony just shakes his head.

"I agree! We didn't even do much!" I tell them.

So im in the car just thinking, holding this weird teddy bear. While Selena and Anthony talk about something.

So Ian gets that house, because it's his. I remember what he told us, so we can move in and be 'happy'.

Haha 'happy' thats funny.


Ian is the best boyfriend ever!

He bought a us a summer home!

We've only been dating for about nine (9) months and he does something like this!

"Ian your the best!" I say and kiss him on the lips.

"Haha thanks babe." He tells me.

"Oh babe! Since there's two rooms maybe Sel, and Anthony can stay with us?" I tell him. He looks at me and smiles.

"Of course they can!" He says.

Can he not get anymore perfect?

(Where in his old house, sitting on the couch)


"Yes, Kate?"

"I wanna have kids one day, imagine little Ian's and Kate's."

"Haha, that would be nice! And I can imagine the daughter being as beautiful as her mamma."

"Aw! Ian.I can Imagine miny Ian looking as handsome as his dad!"

~•~•~FLASHBACK OVER~•~•~•~

I remember that night so well, I even remember how we fell asleep on the couch that night. All cuddled up together.

I just wish I would have known Ian was violent. Then maybe I could've left earlier.

But, I can't change the past, only the future.

"Guess where we are going?!" Selena says interrupting my thoughts.

"Where?" I tell her.

"Well, we're going to New York!" She says and turns around and smiles.

"Wait- if we are in Texas, and we are going to New York, that's at least a day on the road!" I tell her.

"Yeah I know! Just be prepared for a long journey!" She says and turns around, now facing forward.

"Okay" is all I say.

Wow a day, then I can start my 'new life'.

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