Chapter 14

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*knock knock*

"Hey Kate! You wanna hang o- why are you crying?!" Dan yells and pulls me into a hug, while Selena is just awkwardly standing to the side.

"I'll tell you in a moment Dan, but do you think I can stay the night? Please? I'll sleep on the co-"

"Of course you can! And your not sleeping in the couch! You will sleep with me." He said, then winked at me.

I felt myself blush.

I hate when I blush! Ugh, tomato status.

"Thank you Dan." I say and pull away from the hug.

"Well, Dan call me when she wants to come over here!" Selena tells Dan.

"Alright! How long does she need to stay?" Dan ask Selena, I felt his hand grab onto mine.


"Her ex is here and he's kinda, you know. Crazy, and she just needs to stay one night!" Selena tells him.

"Okay! Sounds like a plan." Dan tells Selena, she nods and pulls me into a hug and whispers "no kids Kate. Also call me if anything happens!" Then she pulls away.

I just laugh, and she smiles.

"Alright mom!" I tell her and laugh more.

"Okey dokie, see you later Kate! Anthony needs me!" She says and waves good-bye, then leaves down to our room.

"Well now we need to go inside, then tell me why you were crying." Dan says and I just nod.

We go inside and no ones here, strange someone's always here.

"It's one of Phil's friends birthday today so he is not not here at the moment!" Dan says so we go in the living room. I leave my suitcase by the door and grab my teddy bear.

"Oh, okay." I tell him and sit down next to him.
"So what happened?" Dan ask and stares at me.
"You want to know everything? Or do you just want to know what happened now?" I ask him, and he grabs both of my hands.

"Tell me whatever you feel comfortable with telling me." He says and I nod.

"Alright, well Ian is my ex, he is a very abusing person. When we first meet everything was so good! Then once we moved in, everything went down hill. It was the first time he hit me and it was over a stupid thing."

"What was the 'stupid thing'?"

"I wanted to leave the house and buy some food! That's all! But he said I would leave him and find someone else. That's why only Selena and Anthony were aloud to leave the house and not me."
"What the hell."
"Yup. But that was only the beginning.

That was two years ago, and throughout those two years it's been hell. Now he sent me this damn note and I am so confused right now!" I tell him then give him the note. He quickly reads it and looks at me.

"Kate. This guy has been hurting you for two years! This not okay, we need to find him or call the police!" Dan tells me, i pull one of my hands away from his and whip away one tear from his eye.
He smiles softly, then I quickly hug him. "Thank you for listening." I whisper to him. He pulls away from the hug and is still smiling.

"I understand completely. I had an ex also kinda like Ian. But her name was Isabella. She didn't like us going out in public because she thought I would stare at every girl! And she would get so mad at me when we got home, she would just through dishes at me. Sometimes her shoes. I had to remove all the knifes from our house. But when I broke up with her, she lost it. She sent me notes like this almost everyday! And that's not even the half of what she did. But around a year later she got hit by a car. And that was the end of that." Dan says looking at me, then he whips away one of my tears.

"Dan, I um, im sor-." I got cut off.
"No no it's okay, I mean she's alive I think? Ha, she just left me alone."
"It's all over now but Katelyn, Ian seems way worst. So we need to try to stay away!" Dan tells me, and I yawn.

"Your right and sorry I'm tired." I tell him and he smiles.

"Let's go to my room then!" He says and stands up. I stand up also, bad choice! He picks me up and puts me on his shoulders!

(My stomach is on his shoulders and my ass is in the air. Nice Dan, nice.)

"Dan put me down!" I yell slapping his back.

"Nope! Wait till we're in the room." He says and walks really slow to his room.

"But I need to change! My clothes are over there!" I yell.

"Well your wearing my clothes then!" He says and laughs while I continue to slap his back.

"What if I don't wanna wear your clothes!" I yell and laugh.

"I'm fine with you sleeping naked!" He yells back and laughs. I gasp.

"Dan!" I tell him and laugh really loud.
It's weird how we go from being really sad to real nasty in less than three seconds. Oh how I love this.
He finally puts me down onto the bed!

"So.... You are sleeping naked? I can join!" He says and smirks.
Nasty little boy.

"No Dan! I will be sleeping with pjs on and I hope you do to! Now let me go get them!" I tell him and run to the living room.

I grab my pjs quickly and my teddy bear.

While I was running back to the room I accidentally dropped the teddy bear and it cracks. The fur literary just cut into a straight line and opened up. I can't believe what is in there.

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