
6:00 PM couldn't come fast enough. It's only been four hours, but it feels like I've been working for twelve. I didn't waste a second going to the break room and sitting down. I wasn't even worried about eating because I was in such a bad mood. Between my manager constantly yelling at the servers and the customers being difficult and thinking they're entitled, I've had enough. The only person that could help uplift my spirits right now is Dana so I text her.

M: Hey, wanna hang out tonight when I get out of work?

It only takes her a few seconds to answer back.

D: Hey, I'm sorry. I'm hanging out with Tae. But I can leave early if you need me to.

M: No don't! It's fine, I want you to hang out with him. I can see you whenever. I'll talk to you later!

D: I'm sorry, I really am. I don't like to abandon you, but we're having dinner with his parents later and I don't know how long we'll be

M; Don't worry about me, you're not abandoning me. I will survive, have fun!

I was a little upset because I really wanted to hang out with her, but I'm not mad. I want her to hang out with him and especially meet his parents. Well, on to the next best thing, Jungkook.

M: Hey, are you busy later?

JJK: Couldn't get enough of me, huh? ;)

I was a little annoyed, mainly because of the mood I was in and partially because a simple yes or no answer would've been sufficient.

M: Very funny. I'm having a rough day at work and I don't really feel that great. I don't really want to be alone tonight.

JJK: Oh, are you okay? Of course I'm free. Do you want to come over my place? I can make you dinner if you don't eat at work.

Okay that was really sweet. The anger/annoyance I was feeling dissipated completely.

M: Yeah, I'm okay, just one of those days. But that sounds great, thank you. I'll see you at 10:30?

JJK: Sounds good, see you later beautiful

When he's not annoying the hell out of me or being explicitly sexual, he's the sweetest guy you will ever meet. That side doesn't come out often, but it does whenever the moment calls for it.

That's enough motivation to get me through the rest of the shift. Now I don't have to wear a fake smile, this time it's genuine.


9:57 PM. Almost there. This portion of the shift wasn't any better than the last, but I'm more than happy to have just finished waiting on my last table. As the family that sat at my last table walks out the door I clean up the table and my manager locks the door behind him. I wipe down the table and bring the dishes to the back. I pretty much run to get my stuff (car keys and phone) and punch out. I say goodnight to the other servers and to my manager even though I would rather tell him to kiss my ass.

As soon as I get to my car I text Jungkook.

M: I couldn't run out of there quick enough, on my way

JJK: Okay, I'll be here waiting

I don't even bother putting on music because I just wanted to get to his house, even though it would've taken a few seconds. Instead I just flip on the radio and listen to whatever station it's already tuned to.

About 20 minutes later I arrive at the familiar fancy condominium. Jungkook and Jimin have such a nice place, which Jungkook should be grateful for because if it wasn't for Jimin he probably wouldn't be living in a place this nice. How Jimin puts up with his childish behavior and his inconsistency to pay rent is beyond me.

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