DoNutTouchMyHair Presents: How to Create Realistic Characters

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Hey guys. So, I've been on Wattpad for quite a while now and one thing that I've noticed a lot, apart from a long list of cliches and bad boys are the unrealistic characters. Seriously guys. I can't tell you the number of times I've felt like pulling my hair when the boy--usually bad-- wakes up and doesn't have morning breath. Or how in the world of fiction, period and morning cramps don't exist.   

Don't get me wrong

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying authors should go into the inner workings of what it's like to be human but could they at least try to display what it's like to BE human? Now, I know I'm sounding like a know-it-all. I have a tendency to do that but today! I will like to share with everyone a few tips I've picked up here and there on how to create realistic characters.

1. Base your characters off one or multiple people.

Some people find it weird to base characters off one person and I totally understand that. If the person were to somehow read said story, things are going to become hella awkward. So, my advice would be to base that character off multiple people.

 So, my advice would be to base that character off multiple people

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Say you have a friend who has such nice eyes and jet black hair. You could use that as a way to describe how your charter look. Say you have another friend who is very shy and you want that in your character, you could add that also. This way, you'll have knowledge of what you are writing, making your characters more realistic to your readers.

2. Put yourself in your character's shoes.

Oh what the heck is she talking about now. But really, hear me out. If you are able to put yourself in the shoes of your characters, especially if it is at a critical point in the story, you will be able to pass off that scene as more realistic to your audience. How do I mean? Let me explain.

Far too many times, I've read books where say, the main character is telling her parents she's pregnant. Just using this example since it happens quite a lot around Wattpad. But say she's telling her parents she's pregnant. Most of the time, the parents are cool with it. They might say,

"Oh, I never expected this from you...blah....blah...blah." However, five scene later, they are all up team baby. Gurl, please. If that was how the real world worked, I would have gone and gotten myself a nice little baby bump a long time ago.

 If that was how the real world worked, I would have gone and gotten myself a nice little baby bump a long time ago

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Jokes. My dad would still kill me. But really, y'all should check out Glass Castle by stereohearted if you're looking for a heart wrenching, highly frustrating and amazing story. Seriously. Don't say I didn't warn you but also don't forget to come say thanks when you find out I'm totally right.

 Don't say I didn't warn you but also don't forget to come say thanks when you find out I'm totally right

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3. Write what sounds right. 

A lot of times, authors write what they think will please the people of Wattpad. Hence all the bad boy stories that I am so over. Maybe not totally though because I mean, there are just those books and they're like candy. I can't get enough of them!!!!

HOWEVER! Write what sounds right to you. Maybe it doesn't make your character sound smooth like butter or as bad as you want them to be--blech!-- but it will make you sound more realistic. I pinky, pinky promise. And a more realistic characters, engage your readers in far more than you'll ever imagine.

So go out there young children. Lol! Look at me sound adult for a second when I'm not even 15. (March 23) and write realistic characters!

 (March 23) and write realistic characters!

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