3pointt14 presents: Overthinking Overthinking Overthinking

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3pointt14 presents: Overthinking Overthinking Overthinking

Overthinking, overthinking, overthinking.

You do that, don't you?

When I was a kid, I spent hours in bed—not sleeping—but having imaginary experiences and conversations. My 'What if' scenarios were nightmares disguised as daydreams because I was building expectations and setting myself up for disappointment, knowing those scenarios wouldn't actually happen.

Now that I'm much older, wiser, more articulate and experienced in life,

I still do the exact same fucking thing,

but on a micro level.

Exhibit A: I'm a Text Analyst; I overanalyze my texts like crazy. For example, I obsess whether or not using a period is important.

"Why did they use a period? Do they hate me? Did I say something wrong? Maybe I should call up my friend and spend an hour discuss all possible meanings of this single text for the next two hours.


Yes. That seems like a good use of my time."

There are countless times I overthink about something that isn't worth it and I'm sucked into this mind numbing trap made up of obsession and horrific stress.

As someone who regularly self-reflects, I tend to see my life in retrospect when I'm lying in bed or waiting at the bus stop. I think about what I did that day, who I interacted with and what I could've said or done to make that situation better or, usually, less embarrassing (I have nineteen years of proof that God has a sense of humour; my life). 

But there is a strong difference between insightful reflection and overthinking.

Self-reflection can turn from being productive into something harmful once you begin to think negatively, which can carry into self-loathing and as a result, drop you into a negative feedback loop.

Ruminating can be habitual, which rewires the brain and can perpetuate depression, sleeping problems, anxiety and self-harm. 

And as people who rethink situations because we want to better ourselves for the future, the last thing we need is to hurt ourselves in the process. The only expenses to self-growth should be growing pains like heartbreak or the exhausting climb up the mountain of insecurities we need to overcome in order to accept ourselves as who we are. We shouldn't have any more burdens—life is already busy enough.

My favourite Youtuber shared a quote that changed my outlook on overthinking, and I'm excited to share it with you: 

Your psychological response to an event is actually more important than what happened to you.

Read it again because the best things come in twos (like Cole and Dylan Sprouse).

Your psychological response to an event is actually more important than what happened to you.

In other words: How you respond to what happened, is more powerful and important, than what literally happened.

Exhibit B: When someone breaks up with you, what can do you the most harm?

The fact that the person left you,

Or, your thoughts on the fact that they left you.

You don't need to be the next Marvel hero to discover your own superpowers. Your mind is the most powerful force you can control.

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