“So the Marked one can close the doors but she, or um you know he, needs the sacrifice of a little power from a pair and then and only then they can close. Also some guy, or girl, has to help the Marked one get through this.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Yeah that’s really bad.” Percy was about to faint.

Annabeth could only close the doors with the help of two others and then Frank he assumed has to help her in a big way. Gaea needs to find out who they are. That’s what Nico must know and that’s what Percy and the gang need to know too. He had no time to dwell on the matter because a much more big version of the geryons bounded its way in.

“Did you just tell Perseus the plan? Did I really just hear that happen?” the big one angrily asked. It was terrifying really. His vision was getting dizzy and another round of pain pierced his mind.

“It has started you will be punished later now we go and put him near the others.”

“Isn’t he supposed to be controlled when they come near?”

“No you oaf I’ll do it myself out of my way!”

Percy was barely paying attention. The monster picked him up and his vision went away once again. The next time he woke up it was dusk outside. It would have been beautiful if only the image wasn’t tinged with red. He was lying on the stony hard floor of dirt and he could see and hear a crackling fire and hushed voices.

“How are you feeling Hazel?” Percy recognized the voice as Piper’s. he wanted to go forward but his body was rooted to the spot. Strange.

“Doing better I’m just glad Paris is gone that was a nightmare.” Hazel was talking and more than anything Percy wanted to answer back but he couldn’t.

“I wonder if we’re there yet. I’m worried about the others too what has happened to them?” Thalia had a worn out tone to her voice. Why can’t I talk?!

‘That would be me.’


‘Who else?’

‘What are you doing in my head? Get out.’

‘Not only in your head but in your body. I’m controlling you.’

‘Crap that’s insanely bad. What exactly are you planning?’

‘To lure your friend to their death of course and they’ll just think it’s you.’

‘No this can’t be happening. I won’t let it.’

‘Too late now and all I see in your future is an upmost unpleasant tale of woe.’

‘Stop it please Gaea just stop it-‘

Percy couldn’t go on. The pain was too much to bear and he gave in. He felt violated. He wasn’t using his arms and legs it was Gaea. He tried again and again but nothing worked. His mind was blended with Gaea’s. Then PercyBot, yeah she deserves a stupid name, started talking.

“Hello girls.” Thalia was quick and drew her bow and arrow then let it down once she saw it was only Percy. Piper sheathed Katopris again seeming relaxed once he appeared. Hazel came toward him and embraced Percy in a hug.

“Thank gods you’re okay what happened? You just went missing again we were so worried especially Annabeth.” Hazel squealed with delight. It’s not me Hazel! Thalia or Piper tell her help me!

“Percy you are such an idiot why would you go off like that!” Thalia was fuming and struck him with lightning. At least he couldn’t physically feel it but he needed them to understand the truth. Finally PercyBot spoke.

“I was being dragged away and I awoke and traveled a bit. I was lost. I found Nico though.” She was good.

“What seriously!? That’s great news take us to him.” Piper exclaimed. No it’s a trap run!

“No problem just don’t lag behind I think I’m being tracked or trying to be.” Gaea was stupid for being such a good actress. The pain was throbbing everywhere; torture is what normal people called this. The girls had no idea what was happening.

“So who has the mark again? My memory has been knocked around again but only a little so don’t worry.” Gods don’t answer think that something is fishy please. Not her don’t say it!

“Um Annabeth Percy, it’s Annabeth. You should have remembered. This is bad.” Understatement of the century. Now she knows for sure that Annabeth is in trouble.

‘You’re friends are very gullible I relish it Jackson.’

‘This is inhumane.’

‘And I don’t care they are disposable creatures all of you are.’

“Why don’t we get some sleep? Long day ahead of us I’m sure.” Hazel suggested. The others nodded in agreement. Perfect. Whoa no whoa did I really just think that? We are already in sync by tomorrow we will be one and you’re voice will be barely heard. Piper was right this is bad.

The next morning the group set off following PercyBot. The real Percy was starting to give up. His hope was slowly evaporating into the thin air like water in a boiling pot. If anyone died he would never be the same again. He knew then what it felt like to be Luke struggling constantly. Kronos and Gaea seem to share that one thing in common. Control.

The others were laughing at PercyBot’s jokes. It was unfair. What would they say and how would they react once they found out about his betrayal? Annabeth was going to see it too. All his close friends were going to see Percy turn evil. He needed help from them other six to break free of the wretched spell of dark conniving cruelty commonly known as creature Gaea. He was going to go insane and end up in the asylum.

‘You already are.’

Ooh what happens next?? I never even noticed that Gaea’s mind control was like Luke and Kronos!! Perce does have control but it’s his mind that’s being befuddled. Percy’s POV from now on will be Gaea’s with many interjections from Percy. She’s a devious one. Next I’m going to Frank cuz he’s gonna get some let’s just say interesting news…I regret to say someone will die. It has to happen and some others will be coming so you’ll have a variety to guess from and it won’t be towards the end. Once I get to chapter twenty will the two sub groups merge into one and their talents will be tested. Almost there. Next chapter after Frank’s will be Jason then Jason again and then Percy’s mini chapter of like 200-300 words then Annabeth gets two chapters to herself for the climax!!! Remember suggestions welcomed at this point.

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