Chapter 14

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Okay so Frankie dearest is up here and just to let you know the person will die in chapter 20 so after that climax you won’t be seeing me for at most a month because I plan to write chapter 21-35 and update it daily and then another break but that time most 3 weeks for chaps 36-45. I might write more than that depending on how my imagination wishes to cooperate with me but most is 55 that’s my limit. Just letting you know ahead of time so you don’t freak out. This is a chapter where the four just need a breather. The other group had theirs. Don’t worry action and fighting in next chapter!

Percy94: sorry I didn’t reply earlier but it actually wasn’t even hard the test and all. I have to take reading next week so Yay!

Disclaimer: I think I got the message, really everyone has, I don’t own it Rick Riordan does.


Frank was turning delirious. The mission was doing some scary things to him. Leo of all people was going to be their savior! Of course he decided to faint in the middle of the silent chaos. The other two and Frank heaved Leo about three hundred feet until the sun started to set. It was early morning and Annabeth was staring at the burned out fire.

 Her eyes were tired and red; it was like she was in a trance. Her cup of hot chocolate Jason managed to make last night was still full but probably cold. Her blanket was wrapped tightly around her. Jason and Leo were still asleep and Frank couldn’t feint his sleep not when a distressed girl like Annabeth was looking like a zombie. He got up cautiously towards her. She made no indication that she noticed.

“Hey Annabeth, how are you feeling?” he got no response so he tried again.

“Are you hungry because I can whip up something.” She still hadn’t moved or spoke.

“Come on please say some-“he was cut off abruptly. Frank almost didn’t hear her but caught the three words she uttered loud and clear.

“I feel empty.”She was scaring him badly. He had no reply. What could he say to that?

“Good morning you two!” Leo barged in and plopped himself down on a large boulder. He even started whistling. After a few minutes though of stony silence, he finally noticed Annabeth’s state.

“Annie, what’s wrong with her?”Frank didn’t know and just shook his head. Leo yelled for Jason.

“What Leo what happened? Is something wrong is someone hurt come on say something!” he was frantically looking around for the trouble. When he saw nothing alarming he smacked Leo on the head.

“Why did you call me over here? I was in the middle of a pleasant dream. Piper and I were dancing and laughing and-“Leo pushed Jason around so he was now facing Annabeth. That shut Jason up.

“Annabeth what happened?” his voice was small and frightened. She actually replied.

“I had a dream Jason.” She quietly said it. Her voice was full of sorrow mixed with the emotions of fear and anxiety. A dream for demigods can never be good news. Well Jason had a nice one…so once in a lifetime will we get a decent dream? Great just great.

“What exactly happened?” Leo slowly asked. Annabeth looked up at him making sure they had direct eye contact. Because of me they’ll die, I’m a murderer,” she started to silently cry, “because of my mark I’m supposed to die but I don’t, my mom told me, I can’t let this happen.” No one said a word.

Not just someone but two someones were going. They packed with no communication whatsoever. It was like everyone knew what to do already and no questions were to be asked. They walked for hours having to go around the same places due to barriers created by old ruins. The ground shook numerous times as if Gaea herself were telling them danger was lurking ahead. They were simply walking when Apollo, the sun god, made an unexpected appearance. All four of them couldn’t move. Then he spoke.

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